Do you know how to tell a plunge bit from a non-plunge bit?
A non plunge bit has cutters around the periphery, but not the center. It can enter grooves from the side and cut moving sideways.
A plunge bit has cutters that go all the way to the center of the bit face. It can cut moving vertically as well as sideways.
Here is another pictorial anatomy of a plunge bit
Note that the following round nose bits are plungeable because the cutters go all the way to the center.
As usual, you always bring knowledge and wisdom to this forum.
Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Before that, I made jigs for the base of the router to guide the plunge and cuts.
That said, My mind has been running wild with templates for plunge and inlays. I started looking at templates and they are expensive and not nearly as creative (wide a variety) as I would like, Then it dawned on me after doing a couple of signs: I have a good Scrollsaw and I can do graphics fairly well on the computer, and size them accordingly - just make my own. I also thought of choosing my own fonts and scroll sawing a set in the perfect size on the Scrollsaw. It would not be difficult to print out the letters the size of the bushing/guides and attach them with spray adhesive to 1/8" plywood to cut out.