A Mobile Base For The BT3000


  • A Mobile Base For The BT3000

    Mobile Base for the BT3000 by Rod Kirby

    Overall dimensions: 36” long x 24” wide x 17” high. Top and bottom are 3⁄4” MDF – both have a 3⁄4” x 1⁄4” rubber bumper, stuck on around the edge. Saw is centered on the top.

    The frame between the MDF has 1-5/8” square “legs”, with 3⁄4” x 1-5/8” rails all around – biscuit jointed.

    Height was determined after I bought the wheels - 4-1⁄2” High from floor to base (not wheel dia.), all are swivel, locking). This makes the top of the base 21” from the floor, and gives a saw height of 35” – which suits me (I have short legs!). Adjust to suit yourself.

    The top (right) and right hand end of the base, has holes for the “one switch” (for both saw and shopvac) power connection.

    The 4 drawers are inside an MDF box which is screwed to the frame – top and bottom are 1⁄2” thick, center & sides are 3⁄4” thick. I did it this way deliberately, to add weight – I didn’t want the saw to be heaver than the base. The drawers were “shop bought” (I know – shame!), and were a little narrower than the space – the drawer fronts cover this up.
    The top has 1-1⁄2 ” holes directly under the 4 mounts for the saw, so you can remove it if you need to – you don’t want to have take the whole lot to a service center!

    Each end of the Base was finished with 1-1⁄4” x 1-1⁄4” angle timber trim, with mitered corners.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	834486

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