What's in a name?

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  • Tree Farmer
    Established Member
    • Sep 2004
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    • BT3100-1

    I'm a department chair at a community college in my full-time gig, but on the side, I grow Christmas trees (White Pines, Red Cedar, various spruces) on my in-laws' farm, hence the Tree Farmer moniker.
    Jon - From inside the artillery fan near Fort Bragg, NC


    • MilDoc

      I'm a pediatrician and work on contract in a military clinic at Fort Hood. One day a 9 year old patient of mine proclaimed me "The MilDoc," and I liked the sound.


      • jziegler
        Veteran Member
        • Aug 2005
        • 1149
        • Salem, NJ, USA.
        • Ryobi BT3100

        Originally posted by Tundra_Man
        There's a girl in my wife's youth group who is pregnant and due any day. She knows the baby is a girl. The father decided (and somehow convinced the girl to agree) to name the child "L.e" (pronounced like "Ellie".) Proof in my opinion that these kids aren't prepared in any way to be parents.
        I think that one of my friends has that beat. Or at least equalled. He just named his son pi as in the greek letter, the number relating to circles and all that. I hat to think what middle school will be like for has son.

        As to my name here, another boring type, first initial, last name. But, makes it easy, it's the same (or similar, sometimes add a number on the end) as a couple email addresses that I have.



        • thestinker
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2005
          • 613
          • Fort Worth, TX, USA.

          I don't like water, and consequently don't take many baths

          Or it could be I have a nack for winning online games via xbox and such, and got called a variety of names, of wich stinker is one of the few I can publish as a screen name.

          Or it could be the whole bath thing....whichever you prefer.
          Awww forget trying to fix it!!!! Lets just drink beer


          • MilDoc

            Originally posted by Stytooner
            Here is what is left of my website for toons.
            Funny Stuff! Nice Talent!

            Always envied artists of any kind. Can't play a note and find it hard to draw a straight line with a ruler. Thus, I measure many times before cutting, and sometimes still don't get it right!
            Last edited by Guest; 07-10-2006, 12:29 PM.


            • JR
              The Full Monte
              • Feb 2004
              • 5633
              • Eugene, OR
              • BT3000

              As stupid as it seems, there actually is a reason I go by JR - and it doesn't really have anything to do with Dallas!

              I once had a job where the sales and marketing staff communicated via multi-part forms (Form 66 - all forms had double numbers like that). The VP liked to use first names and the place was small enough that it could work for a while. Eventually there were two Mikes. The New Mike was asked his middle name, which was Todd, and everyone was told to use Todd for New Mike (yes, the VP was kind of kooky).

              It eventually materialized that new Mike, a very bright young man who obviously had a future, pitched a fit. It turns out his brother and his father were both called Todd and wasn't going to take for one more day.

              So we all began using two initials. Many of us still stay in touch 15 years later and we still call each other by two initials. In fact, one couple who met at that job call each other by their two initials!

              Stupid? Yes. But, hey, I didn't start this thread!!



              • Texas splinter
                Established Member
                • Mar 2003
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                • Abilene, TX, USA.
                • BT3100

                My screen name came to me because (1) I live in texas and (2) at the time I signed up, I was doing some work with some really splintery (?) wood and my hands were full of splinters. Simple, right?
                Hey, "simple is as simple does", mom always said.
                "Aspire to inspire before you expire."

                Chuck Hershiser
                Abilene, Texas


                • John Hunter
                  Veteran Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 2034
                  • Lake Station, IN, USA.
                  • BT3000 & BT3100

                  Mine is just my real name, been using it on bulletin boards since the early 90's Makes it real easy to remember on all the different boards.
                  John Hunter


                  • offthemark
                    Established Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 193
                    • Germantown, TN, USA.
                    • BT3100

                    My first name is Mark. The rest describes the kind of cuts I usually make on the saw.

                    Actually I've had this as a nickname (and user name) since college. I can't share the story in this forum but a keg was involved.
                    "There are no stupid questions - just stupid people"


                    • KenBurris
                      Established Member
                      • Jan 2003
                      • 439
                      • Cincinnati, OH, USA.

                      [quoteEven my wives and kids and in-laws from two former families all call me Stick.[/quote]

                      and I'm proud to call you Stick also, buddy
                      Ken in Cincinnati

                      Pretend this line says something extremely witty


                      • dale
                        Established Member
                        • Feb 2004
                        • 147
                        • Mesa, AZ, USA.
                        • BTS-15

                        I'll have to go with a lack of creativity. Some friends did call me The Ice Man for a while, but I didn't want to go with that on here. The same friends also called me the King of Understatement (which is funny if you think about it), but also didn't want to go with that here. I play percussion in my local city band, but we already had DrumPriest, so I didn't want to do any thing with that either.
                        I really am going to make something one of these days.


                        • bigsteel15
                          Veteran Member
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 1079
                          • Edmonton, AB
                          • Ryobi BT3100

                          Originally posted by just4funsies
                          One of my favorite verbalizations is "just for shits 'n giggles" but this often doesn't make it through the profanity filters, hence the more politically correct incarnation...
                          Amazingly it made it here.

                          Mine was orginally Bigfoot15 (obvious reason, 6'5", size 15).
                          I've had the tag bigfoot longer than I care to remember. Back when I was 10 we moved to an acreage. We went without phones for a couple years and used CB radio to communicate from town to home. We all needed handles and being that I was 10 yrs old with size 10 feet...well there you go.
                          I still use variations of it for a lot of sign-ins and such.

                          When the forum changeover happened I couldn't log in and happened to be at work and hadn't seen the notice about what to do to re-activate.
                          I just made it Bigsteel15 becasue I work in a steel fab shop and figured the recognition would still be there.
                          I seem to visit here more from work than at home, so I've stopped using Bigfoot.

                          Welcome to the school of life
                          Where corporal punishment is alive and well.


                          • DUD
                            Royal Jester
                            • Dec 2002
                            • 3309
                            • Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA.
                            • Ryobi BT3000

                            Well I go by DUD on this forum and several others. When I first got online, So many of My body parts didn't work, hence I started using DUD. I am better now, some of My medication has lined me out some, and the other part of my rehab has been my second home, this forum. Bill
                            5 OUT OF 4 PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND FRACTIONS.


                            • WayneJ
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 785
                              • Elmwood Park, New Jersey, USA.

                              The name on my work uniforms had wayne j on them and my birth certificate says the same ,and being past 70, my memory aint what it use to be, why change.
                              Wayne J


                              • LCHIEN
                                Internet Fact Checker
                                • Dec 2002
                                • 21128
                                • Katy, TX, USA.
                                • BT3000 vintage 1999

                                unfortunately mine is the unimaginitive combo of F.I. + Last name.
                                It's also my e-mail address.
                                That has had some bad effects because a lower case "L" depending upon the font its displayed in, looks like an upper case "i" or the numeral "1" so there's been a lot of confusion if I ever write it or send it to someone.
                                So when you actually see it here at BT3Central its LCHIEN even though the case doesn't matter its obviously an L if you ever need to refer to it in text or search for it.
                                Loring in Katy, TX USA
                                If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
                                BT3 FAQ - https://www.sawdustzone.org/forum/di...sked-questions

