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Bruce Cohen
Bruce Cohen
Veteran Member
Last Activity: 08-20-2016, 10:44 AM
Joined: 05-14-2003
Location: Nanuet, NY, USA.
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Polish women drivers (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
02-06-2009, 01:55 PM
Politicaliy Correct (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
03-15-2006, 08:35 PM
Poll: What's the longest you've stayed with a boss? (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
08-03-2006, 02:10 PM
Portable air conditioner in shop (garage) (Topic in the Shop Setup, Layout, and Design forum)
09-13-2013, 08:57 AM
Post It note usage (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
10-15-2008, 04:45 PM
Posters For Your Shop Wall (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
08-08-2008, 09:43 PM
postformed countertop sources (Topic in the Project related discussions forum)
04-06-2007, 05:27 PM
Prayer Request (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
02-11-2009, 03:58 PM
Prayer Request (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
12-30-2008, 11:55 PM
Prayer's Needed (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
12-04-2006, 10:12 PM
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