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Established Member
Last Activity: 06-11-2019, 12:29 PM
Joined: 01-02-2007
Location: Northville, Michigan - a Detroit suburb
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"Flip" this Bailout (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
02-20-2009, 11:36 AM
**Movie Star Game** (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
04-15-2008, 04:19 AM
15 innings ?!?! (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
07-17-2008, 04:25 PM
210,000 Christmas Lights (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
12-07-2008, 12:31 AM
A few more questions, if you please (Topic in the BT3x00 related discussions forum)
02-22-2009, 06:23 PM
A Fun Quiz...Really (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
07-14-2007, 03:16 AM
A Misconception About Pot Bellies (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
06-21-2009, 04:07 PM
A morbid but less expensive idea (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
10-03-2008, 09:48 PM
A Place For Everything??? (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
02-12-2008, 09:19 AM
A really, really bad movie (Topic in the Around the coffee pot forum)
03-13-2008, 10:32 PM
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