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  • dbhost
    Slow and steady
    • Apr 2008
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    Originally posted by annunaki

    Good Analysis !


    I am trying carefully not to take sides on this at all. I can certainly see both sides of the issue, and want to know as much as I can about what really happened, and who did what. The knee jerking and lynch mob attitudes I am seeing from both sides of this issue are downright frightening, and no good for the overall civility of our nation...
    Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


    • annunaki
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      • Jan 2008
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      Always remember those opportunists whose attitude is to never waste a good catastrophe, and employ useful idiots to fan the flames of distorted truths.

      In the end it's usually about power and money.

      A classic example was Prohibition which was instituted with ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution on January 16, 1919. The useful idiots of the day were Women's Christian Temperance Union.

      The real story involved Americas first Flex-Fuel car - The Model T.
      Rockefeller, gasoline and Prohibition.

      Alcohol is 105 Octane, Gas back then was only 50 Octane, so the model T ran better on alcohol as do today's Indy500 Race Cars

      Prior to Prohibition, passed as the 18th Amendment in 1919, most American cars used alcohol as fuel. Henry Ford’s Model T actually came in two versions, one being a version that allowed drivers to switch their carburetor so people could use farm-made alcohols as an alternate fuel. This was because 90% of America were farms at that point, so alcohol was a much more plentiful fuel source. Petroleum had not yet become an ubiquitous standard across America; there were not gas stations dotting every single community in the land. With alcohol engines, drivers could stop at any farm and fuel up, essentially anywhere.

      At the turn of the 20th century, Standard Oil, owned by magnate John Rockefeller Jr., had consolidated a monopoly within the oil industry by effectively shutting down or buying out all other competitors. Unsurprisingly, Standard Oil was unhappy about the availability of alcohol as a fuel as it limited consumer demand for their oil products. A lifelong teetotaler, Rockefeller had been an avid fan of temperance for a long time and found the support of temperance by statute to be a solution that fulfilled both his moral and economical goals.
      In order to crush alcohol-makers out of existence, Rockefeller donated $350,323.67 to the Anti-Saloon League (worth $5 million in 2010 dollars) in the two decades before the passing of Prohibition. The ASL, along with Rockefeller’s public moral support and private backroom dealing with legislators, was enormously effective in influencing the public and Congress to pass the deal.

      So just as the Constitution was amended with the awful 18th, look for additional attacks on the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution twisting and distorting the facts in this case.


      • annunaki
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        • Jan 2008
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        During these same years, a journalist/crusader named Ida Tarbell was waging a war against Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Trust, revealing it to be a monopoly in the worst way, with bribery, price-fixing and corrupt tactics as the tricks of the trade that Standard Oil used to crush or buy out all their competitors. The documents that Tarbell was able to publish were successful in destroying the monopoly by 1911, meanwhile revealing Rockefeller to be hardly a political progressive – the wanton abuse of employee rights and consumer fairness plus multiple instances of illegal coercion were testaments to a personal character miles from that of a Boy Scout.

        Ironically, the breakup of the Standard Oil Trust had the curious effect of making him the richest man in the world. Stock prices doubled for all the companies that were spun off from the Trust, and made Rockefeller that much richer than before. The reduction in price-fixing meant prices became more affordable for consumers and thus there was incentive for consumers and car producers to adopt gasoline-powered automobiles over alcohol-powered ones. But this wasn’t enough, as the constant availability of alcohol meant it wouldn’t be enough to effect any sea change in consumer habits. Thus, Prohibition.

        By making the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol illegal, this meant that farmers could no longer generate ethanol and other similar alcohols for vehicle use, and even if they had a pre-existent supply, could not legally sell it. This destroyed any possibility that alcohol could continue as a fuel of choice, neither for the fuel-sellers, automobile purchasers or automobile producers. Rather quickly, the alcohol-powered models were phased out and gasoline-powered vehicles became the standard.

        Even more beneficial was the fact that 1918-1933 were the boom years for the expansion of the automobile to all regions of the country. With one fuel standard and the mass explosion in automobile sales, Rockefeller’s companies had little to no competition in fuel sales and was making money hand over fist. By the time Prohibition was repealed in 1933, there was no turning back to alcohol fuels.

        As alcohol fuels were generally cheaper than oil fuels, the American public ended up paying dearly for the change. All the money they ‘lost’ was funneled into Rockefeller’s hands, maintaining his status as richest man in the world – which persists even to this day. Barring Marcus Licinius Crassus, whose properties covered the entire Roman Empire during his time and is unestimable as to current worth, Rockefeller is considered the richest man ever. In 1916, he was the first man to reach a personal fortune of $1 billion, and his personal worth at his death, adjusted to 2010 dollars, is estimated to have been somewhere in the range of $500 to $600 billion.

        Adding insult to injury, Prohibition increased the amount of crime in the United States to hitherto unknown levels, created new miseries for the average citizen and actually helped reverse industrialization during the period by shutting down hundreds of large-scale plants around the United States, increasing unemployment and encouraging home-made primitive methods of alcohol production. Rockefeller may have felt guilty at these outcomes by 1932, when he finally admitted to Prohibition’s failure and openly approved of Repeal.


        • annunaki
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          • Jan 2008
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          One of the toughest Gun Control Laws in the Country is The Sullivan Act, also known as the Sullivan Law, is a gun control law in New York State.

          Few people know the true story of how the Mob bribed politicians to get it passed so as to disarm the Longshoremen (who would risk loosing their license to work the Docks- once it passed), so that the Mob could then control New York's Waterfront.


          • Pappy
            The Full Monte
            • Dec 2002
            • 10453
            • San Marcos, TX, USA.
            • BT3000 (x2)

            The jury decided to vote not guilty.

            This should be the bottom line. Since none of us were in the courtroom the entire time and heard all the evidence presented from both sides, we can't say for sure how we would have voted.

            Unfortunately, political pressure is going to make the feds look at the case again, maybe resulting in other charges. If they don't bring charges, or if they do and he is found not guilty again, I fear there are radical factions that will go after Zimmerman and/or his family.
            Don, aka Pappy,

            Wise men talk because they have something to say,
            Fools because they have to say something.


            • RAFlorida
              Veteran Member
              • Apr 2008
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              You're right Don, there's pressure on the

              government to charge GZ in a civil case. And many KNOW it will be the same verdict as this last trial. When that trial fails,(fails to the desires of the ignorant mass), I, like many others fear there will be some rioting across the nation. The majority of people are acting by emotional stimuli, not accepting the facts that were produced at the trial of GZ, nor the facts that Annunaki has pointed out. It really is sickening that the mass of people are reacting the way they are.
              (thanks Annunaki for your posting of the Rockefeller scandal. My grandfather despised that man and his companies.)


              • annunaki
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2008
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                I learned about Rockefeller & Model T at David Blume's site-


                " It really is sickening that the mass of people are reacting the way they are."

                I think many of them are opportunists that want looting to start so as to get free stuff.

                There is a Black American that has a you tube video totally against those opportunists.
                Warning He uses Strong Language which might be offensive to some but if you can get passed that, he makes some interesting observations.



                • annunaki
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2008
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                  'Churches' denouncing Zimmerman exposed

                  'Churches' denouncing Zimmerman exposed

                  Religious council long-time front group for old Soviet KGB

                  The National Council of Churches, calling itself “the leading force for shared ecumenical witness among Christians in the United States,” is blasting the jury, George Zimmerman, and America too – charging the nation’s citizens and even its churches with pervasive racism.But as it turns out, the organization has gotten into serious trouble for making that same claim in the past.

                  In March 1996, a sensational story jolted the American conscience. The National Council of Churches (NCC) and the Center for Democratic Renewal (CDR), two secretly Marxist organizations headquartered in the United States, held a joint press conference to announce a “huge increase” in the number of arson cases committed against black churches in the United States.

                  On June 8, President Bill Clinton denounced those fires in a radio address, and he proposed a new federal task force to investigate them. The president spoke with emotion about his own “vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state [of Arkansas] when I was a child.” Charging that “racial hostility” was the driving force behind the fires, he pledged to place the full power of the federal government behind the investigation. On June 15, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives assigned two hundred federal agents to a new task force charged to investigate black church fires.1 By July the accounts of arson committed against black churches had snowballed, with more than twenty-two hundred articles appearing in the press to condemn what the Center for Democratic Renewal called “a well-organized white-supremacist movement.”

                  Then the bubble burst. It was eventually established by a private group, the National Fire Protection Association, that in recent years there had been far fewer church fires than usual, and law enforcement officials in the South could not confirm any as having been racially motivated. No church burning had occurred in Arkansas during Clinton’s childhood, in spite of his “vivid and painful” memories, and the National Council of Churches was accused of fabricating “a great church-fire hoax.”

                  The clue to understanding the significance of the black church arson hoax lies in the documented fact that the World Council of Churches, which ignited and promoted that story, has been infiltrated and ultimately controlled by Russian intelligence since 1961. The Mitrokhin Archive, a voluminous collection of Soviet foreign intelligence documents smuggled out of the Soviet Union in 1992, provides the identities and Soviet intelligence code names of many Russian Orthodox priests dispatched over the years to the World Council of Churches for the specific purpose of influencing the politics and decisions of that body. In fact, in 1972 Soviet intelligence managed to have Metropolitan Nikodim (its agent “Adamant”) elected WCC president. A 1989 KGB document boasts: “Now the agenda of the WCC is also our agenda.” Most recently, Metropolitan Kirill (agent “Mikhaylov”), who had been an influential representative to the World Council of Churches since 1971 and after 1975 a member of the WCC Central Committee, was in 2009 elected patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

                  The church fire hoax, resulted in the United States being slandered internationally.


                  • leehljp
                    Just me
                    • Dec 2002
                    • 8476
                    • Tunica, MS
                    • BT3000/3100

                    Originally posted by Pappy
                    The jury decided to vote not guilty.

                    This should be the bottom line.
                    SHOULD be!

                    Another perspective on where the "divide" is:
                    While this is not drawn across racial lines explicitly, it does follow some interesting patterns that are developing in our multiculture blending and fusing of cultures.

                    This country was founded with laws that was aimed primarily at individuals and individual freedom, and individual choice. Our governmental system, which has Europe and ancient Greece and even Rome as our foundation, was set up to work with a culture that served "individuals" and allowed masses of individuals to work together. "Individuals" are people who value their own preferences regardless of their culture or race or group, or whatever. The founding US governmental system is/was a system to facilitate individuals to work and live together in a society, with built in respect for others. We vote, and respect the outcome even if we lose; conversely, and if we win an election, we expect the other group to honor and respect our win.

                    Enter the second type of culture - built not upon individual freedoms, but "group/collective mindset". I lived in a culture for over 25 years that was a group mindset and they are proud of it and will publically advocate that. To the East of that country are two countries in which the people of those countries are proud to be Asian, but they are still individuals. However, in said country, these people are proud of their heritage, but they do NOT value themselves as individuals, they value themselves as "groups". They respond in groups, they think in "groups" when decisions are to be made, they have trouble making individual decisions in many cases. It is not a matter of "can't make up their mind," it is a cultural difference.

                    A law system developed to make individuals work together as society is very difficult for groups mindset societies. And conversely again, group mindset laws and government plays havoc on individuals. The divide of America (USA) is going on at this level in this case and in others. It is not a "racial" divide as much as it is a philosophical and cultural divide brought on by influx of immigrants and a fusion of their and our old cultures. The real turning point started way back when, but it was the 1920's when the US began to migrate away from being an agrarian nation and into an urban nation. This is when the slow but sure acceleration of "individual freedoms" versus "social reponsibility" differences began to emerge and change.

                    That brings me to this: Individuals will generally go with "facts of a case," and "group/social mindset" focuses more on feelings and affinity, and also place less value on all of the facts; or they will attribute major value to a "single" that favors them versus a plethora of facts to the contrary. Individuals, on the other hand, tend to not allow feelings and affinity affect their judgement.

                    In my own observation of these paterns over years (not scientific) is that "individuals" will follow and decide based on facts 75% to 95% of the time, and ignore feelings or affinity; however, group mindsets will follow affinity 60% to 75% of the time and ignore facts or give weight to one sided facts or truths. This has been my observations from years of watching people and how they act and make decisions.

                    The above is dangerously close to what is called profiling, but knowing this is what advertisers do, and it is what makes advertising successful.

                    I remember watching a TV interview at a presidential election back in the '90s to which this was said: One party makes very logical business decisions but has no heart; the other party makes heartfelt decisions but has not logic or business sense. Different philosophies and different cultures. That about sums it up.
                    Last edited by leehljp; 07-18-2013, 10:49 AM.
                    Hank Lee

                    Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


                    • vaking
                      Veteran Member
                      • Apr 2005
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                      Originally posted by RAFlorida
                      government to charge GZ in a civil case. And many KNOW it will be the same verdict as this last trial.
                      I am not a lawyer but I don't think this is a valid option. GZ had been brought on criminal charges by the state and jury found him not guilty. The verdict might be appealed if there were any procedural violations in the trial. Jury decision itself cannot be appealed. Not likely but possible. Besides the appeal there are two other options.
                      Federal government can charge GZ in another criminal case in hate/racial crime. For that the feds will have to prove that GZ is a racist. GZ in the past had owned a company together with black partner - proving he is a racist will be very hard. I don't believe we shall see this case happen.
                      Family of TM can bring civil charges of wrongful death. Government cannot bring civil case. GZ's lawyer after the verdict effectively challenged the TM's family to bring this case.
                      Alex V


                      • TB Roye
                        Veteran Member
                        • Jan 2004
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                        • Sacramento, CA, USA.
                        • BT3100

                        Sadly the President made some statements today that will not calm anything down and may escalate the protest and violence. This has be a very interesting and adult discussion on this site. I have been tempted to post a reply as I was the Neighborhood watch Coordinator in our neighborhood but because of the on going stuff in the Media I decided to hold off and now I will not post any thing. I am very sad and concerned for our Country right now.



                        • capncarl
                          Veteran Member
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                          I think that the crowd was not interested in the facts. It appear that all that they heard was "WILL ALL THE RACISTS STEP FORWARD."


                          • annunaki
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2008
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                            Go Buckeye !!

                            The Bad News-

                            HE CAN'T HAVE HIS GUN BACK...

                            The Good News
                            Buckeye Firearms Foundation is raising funds to buy Zimmerman a NEW GUN and fight attacks on the Second Amendment.



                            • annunaki
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2008
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                              Author Brad Thor offers to buy George Zimmerman gun of his choice

                              Author Brad Thor offers to buy George Zimmerman gun of his choice



                              • TB Roye
                                Veteran Member
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 2969
                                • Sacramento, CA, USA.
                                • BT3100

                                I think if I was George I would become very scarce right now or maybe move to a better place than Florida. Although he has every right to poses a gun and should have been given his own gun back. I would stay away from all that right now. Let some one else protect him like his brother. He should leave the state and go to a less populous state where he would not be bothered. Montana and Wyoming and Idaho are 3 state where he would be safe. Maybe the Dakotas. I would flat just get out of Dodge right now, they are gunning for him legally and physically.. The are a whole bunch fired up idiots out there who wouldn't think twice of putting a bullet in him. That is the reality right now.


