Dogs in the store!

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  • JTimmons
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2005
    • 690
    • Denver, CO.
    • Grizzly 1023SLX, Ryobi BT3100

    Originally posted by Ed62
    It's not something you want to see.
    It's not easy to hear either, sorry for your loss, that truly sucks! All most of them want to do is love and have fun, really sucks when they go out in bad ways.
    Last edited by JTimmons; 07-20-2007, 03:56 PM.
    "Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill."
    -- Johnny Carson


    • docrowan
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 893
      • New Albany, MS
      • BT3100

      I used to love dogs, I still like them, but my wife is quite literally deathly allergic to them. Early in our marriage we tried having an "outside" dog for a while, mostly because my wife knew I loved the dog I grew up with. One day my wife tried taking her to the vet and wound up with an asthma attack on the way home and got stuck in gridlock. She couldn't get home, couldn't get to a hospital, and didn't have her emergency inhaler. She called me to try to help her stay calm - when you can barely breath you begin to panic which obviously makes the situation worse. I was at work and thirty minutes away, I had to try to remain calm and talk with my wife while my guts were screaming to get to her as fast as I could. She got home and got her inhaler, but my desire to have any kind of pet cooled. Asthma attack sounds kind of mild, but I've had it happen to me once in my life and it's terrifying to not be able to breath. Obviously my vote is no, except in the case of service animals.
      - Chris.


      • maxparot
        Veteran Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 1421
        • Mesa, Arizona, USA.
        • BT3100 w/ wide table kit

        Dogs just like children should be judged indiviually. If a pet owner is confident in their pets behavior and then I have no problem with them being allowed in establishments that want to have a more allowing policy. But the other side is that pet owner need to be responsible for the actions of their pets as they are for their children.
        Those policies should be posted clearly so there is no dispute or confussion regarding the subject.
        People with alergies or fears can avoid places with such policies.
        That having been said they do not belong within places that sell food for human consumpsion. (outdoor resturants maybe ok with provisions)
        Business owners would be also responsible for the effects of their policies.
        This way it is a choice for business owners and pet owners.
        Opinions are like gas;
        I don't mind hearing it, but keep it to yourself if it stinks.


        • MilDoc

          If the stores allow it I guess you're stuck. Complian to management.

          My opinion? If the dog isn't your eyes, NO!


          • Tequila
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2004
            • 684
            • King of Prussia, PA, USA.

            Count me as another dog owner who voted no. People I see in stores can't even keep their kids under control. Image if everyone was allowed to bring their pets as well.


            • leehljp
              Just me
              • Dec 2002
              • 8476
              • Tunica, MS
              • BT3000/3100

              I care about the situation and to me, "it depends on the on the situation." Therefore I didn't vote. No place for my answer.

              "Seeing eye dogs" are still dogs. A dog is a still a dog, regardless of its training and purpose. And I think they should, in many cases be allowed in for the hearing and seeing impaired, and maybe another reason. So a simple "yes or no" is not a correct answer to me. And neither is the "could care less" answer.

              In restaurants, generally, no. Freely by everyone on a whim, no. Specifically for hearing and seeing impaired, Yes. If small mom and pop stores and for the prevention of theft, I don't see a problem. A person has the right to defend his property or store that is open to the public just as much as the public has the choice of doing business there or not. If defense is in the form of a dog rather than gun, then as the owner, that is should be his or her choice. If I think that it is unsanitary, then I will not go back. But I don't need a local city ordinance to make that decision for me and the owner has the right protect his property from thief by keeping the dog "on display" so to speak.

              Also in this formula, the owner will bare full responsibility if the dog attacks, bites someone before they had the chance to a theft.

              Some people may not be aware of it or not but some deaf people have "hearing" dogs for their protection. The TV series FBEye lady (the one that it was originally about) has a "hearing dog," and she and the dog came to Japan for some "deaf" PR work here. Boy was there some governmental red tape on that situation.
              Last edited by leehljp; 07-20-2007, 06:35 PM.
              Hank Lee

              Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


              • dkhoward
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2003
                • 873
                • Lubbock, Texas, USA.
                • bt3000

                well, coming from west texas where everyother farm truck as a blue healer or a cow dog in the back of the truck, dogs are pretty common at all the shopping places.

                I too have seen the small "purse" dogs in carryalls hanging from the owner shoulder wandering around the mall and most other stores. Doesnt bother me.

                I have seen someone in the Borg with their hound trailing along behind. Doesnt bother me. Of course, some people don't like dogs but I think most who frequent the borg during the daytime probably dont mind a dog or two. I know there is one trim guy whose border collie follows him to the door, watches him go in, then trots down to the exit door and waits paitiently in the shade for him to come out.

                I carry my dobie to the hardwood place on occasion. They have big mastiff that hangs around the place. THe two get along well and usually go for a romp while Im chosing wood. THey day they bounced a rabbit out of the back lot was fun to watch.

                SO, I guess I straddle the fence. Doesnt bother me to see them at the store, but doesnt raise my hackles if the store posts a sign.

                By the way, we have a leash law on the books here and if you dog gets in an altercation and isnt on a leash, you can face a really stiff fine and may face jail time if it is severe enough.
                Dennis K Howard
                "An elephant is nothing more than a mouse built to government specifications." Robert A Heinlein


                • Pappy
                  The Full Monte
                  • Dec 2002
                  • 10453
                  • San Marcos, TX, USA.
                  • BT3000 (x2)

                  Another "No Correct Answer" from me. My last 2 big dogs were a Lab and a Sib. Both were friendly, well behaved, and liked kids. I didn't take them with me very often because they were big and could be intimidating to some people, especially the Sib with his crystal blue eyes.

                  Before she lost her sight, my Bichon went to Lowe's and HD with me a lot. She rode in the cart and got a lot of attention. I still take her sometimes but she is a little frightened by sudden touches and movement since she doesn't see them coming. She still loves the extra attention but I have to get people talking to he first.

                  Austin, in its liberal/PC ways, has allowed pets in many restaurants. Although there are restrictions, this is pure hogwash. I can't sit in a sealed room with its own air filtration system, or even on a outside patio, and have a smoke after my meal, but I am subjected to getting your dog's fur in my food?
                  Don, aka Pappy,

                  Wise men talk because they have something to say,
                  Fools because they have to say something.


                  • Whaler
                    Veteran Member
                    • Dec 2002
                    • 3281
                    • Sequim, WA, USA.
                    • DW746

                    I didn't vote on this one as I don't think there is a yes or no answer. I have owned many dogs and some were very well trained but they never went to a store with me.
                    When I managed the sporting goods dept at Montgomery Wards in Tucson a lady would come in at least once a week with two giant great danes. She would leave them in my department and go do her shopping. They would lay down in an aisle and go to sleep, kids would climb on them and adults would step over or around them. They didn't budge untill she came back ready to leave.
                    I have had mothers leave her kids and tell them to play in the tents untill she gets back. I'll take the dogs any day.

                    I guess it's Yes (some dogs) No (not all dogs)



                    • guycox
                      Established Member
                      • Dec 2003
                      • 360
                      • Romulak, VA, USA.

                      I voted yes -- last weekend we were at the Plow and Hearth tent sale in Madison Va.. It was beastly hot and I was standing outside the store trying to catch a breeze -- The store manager came out and asked me why in the world was I standing outside? Dog are always welcome in our store.... -- I'll be back...
                      Guy Cox

                      Life isn\'t like a box of\'s more like a jar of jalapenos.
                      What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow.


                      • mater
                        Veteran Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 4197
                        • SC, USA.

                        I vote no. The reasons have already been mentioned.
                        Ken aka "mater"

                        " People may doubt what you say but they will never doubt what you do "

                        Ken's Den


                        • Uncle Cracker
                          The Full Monte
                          • May 2007
                          • 7091
                          • Sunshine State
                          • BT3000

                          Another way to look at it is from the perspective of the storekeeper. I'm sure most of their customers don't want to purchase merchandise that has been shed on or orherwise "marked" by pets, nor do stores want to spend even one minute cleaning up "accidents". Also, many dogs (especially the little nippy ones) are protective of their owners, especially when in an unfamiliar environment, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for interactions between nervous pets and children. Even if not a legal or health issue, people should do the responsible and considerate thing, and just leave the dogs at home. If you can't stand to be away from your pet for a short while, then stay home yourself and shop the internet.

                          I'm not at all insensitive to pets, owned 'em all my life, but I respect that my rights leave off where those of others begin.


                          • LCHIEN
                            Internet Fact Checker
                            • Dec 2002
                            • 21141
                            • Katy, TX, USA.
                            • BT3000 vintage 1999

                            OK, what if we changed the word from dogs to pre-school children, toddlers or infant children and reposed the question?
                            Loring in Katy, TX USA
                            If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
                            BT3 FAQ -


                            • maxparot
                              Veteran Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 1421
                              • Mesa, Arizona, USA.
                              • BT3100 w/ wide table kit

                              Originally posted by LCHIEN
                              OK, what if we changed the word from dogs to pre-school children, toddlers or infant children and reposed the question?
                              Well I don't mind either if I can get away from them if or when they become annoying.
                              Taking that to the next step if I'm trapped as during travel my personal opinion is that todlers or infant children should not be allowed to take any form or mass transit in the same compartments as adults other than their parents.
                              In most cases dogs tend to be better behaved than children for long duration travel.
                              Opinions are like gas;
                              I don't mind hearing it, but keep it to yourself if it stinks.


                              • Uncle Cracker
                                The Full Monte
                                • May 2007
                                • 7091
                                • Sunshine State
                                • BT3000

                                True, but unlike pets, people can't leave children home unattended. The options are completely different.

