Anyone have a 3D TV?

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  • cgallery
    Veteran Member
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    Anyone have a 3D TV?

    These 3D LCD TV's are sure being advertised enough.

    Anyone have one? Thinking of getting one? Seen a demonstration?

    I don't know if I'll ever be ready to put 3D glasses on to watch a movie/TV show at home.

    I was at Best Buy when some guy wondered aloud how long before they'll be filming porn in 3D.
  • cabinetman
    Gone but not Forgotten RIP
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    We just got through buying HD LCD's. But I'm with you. Puttin' on glasses to watch TV seems a bit too much. Maybe soon there will be special eye surgery to make us 3D TV compatible.


    • LCHIEN
      Super Moderator
      • Dec 2002
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      FYI, the new 3D TVs don't use the red blue lensed glasses you use in the movie theaters. THose glasses give you odd colored shadows and things.

      The new 3D technology being touted uses electronic glasses with LCD shutters and interleaved Left-right images on the screen. The glasses alternatively block the left and right lenses so that each eye sees a different series of images and uses persistence of vision to keep them from appearing to flicker. I think the shutter rate is 120 frames per second meaning the TV has to show 240 frames per second.

      so an advantage is that you'll have better images with less coloration effects but the bad news is you'll be tethered to the set with electronics glasses (THE GOOD NEWS BEING THAT THEY ARE WIRELESS infrared or blue-tooth synched to the screen) that are more costly than red-blue glasses so you can't afford to equip your viewing room with more than a pair or two pairs. or maybe two pairs of pairs?
      Last edited by LCHIEN; 04-05-2010, 11:25 AM.
      Loring in Katy, TX USA
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      • germdoc
        Veteran Member
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        Do we really need to see DWTS or Baywatch reruns in 3D??

        “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”--Voltaire


        • sweensdv
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          I'm sure there are more foolish ways to waste your money but I'm betting not many.
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          • os1kne
            Senior Member
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            It would be kinda cool to watch Norm or David Marks in 3D. (somewhat kidding)


            • LCHIEN
              Super Moderator
              • Dec 2002
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              • Katy, TX, USA.
              • BT3000 vintage 1999

              i dont think these sets are super expensive.

              You need a fast LCD or Plasma TV capable of 240 frames per second but those have been made for the last couple of years. The LCD shutter glasses are old technology.
              The chief add-on would be the RF- or infrared trnsmitter for the frame synch signals to the glasses, and the receivers for the glasses. Not very complex stuff to add to a $1500-2000 TV set.
              I woudl imagine the incremental cost over a high end TV around $150 at the most.
              the big issues are the lack of material - I guess there's a blue-ray standard but there's no standards for broadcast or cable TV transmission formats.
              Last edited by LCHIEN; 04-05-2010, 04:57 PM.
              Loring in Katy, TX USA
              If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
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              • KenBurris
                Established Member
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                watched at Best Buy

                they have a demo - I wasn't impressed enough to consider it, even in th future. I think it was @47-50 ", $2999 list "on sale" $2499

                online"sale price"- 55"=$2970
                46" = $2340
                40" = $2000

                glasses= $150/pair separately
                Last edited by KenBurris; 04-06-2010, 01:08 AM. Reason: insert prices
                Ken in Cincinnati

                Pretend this line says something extremely witty


                • gerti
                  Veteran Member
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                  Originally posted by LCHIEN
                  FYI, the new 3D TVs don't use the red blue lensed glasses you use in the movie theaters.
                  Guess you have not seen a 3D movie in the theaters lately... They use dual projectors with polarized lights, and polarizing filters in the glasses. Full color and all.


                  • LCHIEN
                    Super Moderator
                    • Dec 2002
                    • 21469
                    • Katy, TX, USA.
                    • BT3000 vintage 1999

                    actually, you're right. I stand corrected.
                    And I did see Avatar in 3D.
                    Loring in Katy, TX USA
                    If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
                    BT3 FAQ -


                    • iceman61
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                      I just sat through a demo at Best Buy tonight. $3000 for the TV & $150 for one pair of glasses. I think I'll pass. I wasn't that impressed anyway. I can't see springing for 4-5 sets of glasses for the typical Mom, Dad & 2-3 kids, much less $3000 for the TV. I don't even care to watch a movie in 3-D at the theaters. (IMHO of course)


                      • Kavoom
                        Forum Newbie
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                        Baywatch? 3D? Now, I'm intrigued. Hey, be careful with those things...
                        Upside Down and Backwards


                        • cwithboat
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                          How many lawsuits will result from th epileptic fits that people have from the strobing effects of the glasses?
                          A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
                          Rudyard Kipling


                          • Bill Stock
                            Established Member
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                            Baywatch + Strobing Effects? You're tormenting poor Cracker again.


                            • Sonny

                              I have a 3d TV. I believe all of Mitsubishi's DLP tv's are 3d now. It comes with a wireless connection so your not tethered to the TV. I haven't used it yet but then there's really not much out there to pay 162.00 for 2 pair of these wireless glasses yet either. BTW, my TV was only 899.00 for the 65" model. They're DLP, which works every bit as good as plasma or lcd.. just a lot cheaper. the 65" model uses a 99.00 bulb so not too bad. If you get either the 73" or 82" model the price jumps to about 225.00 or so..

