Being there for one of my best friends. (LONG RANT)

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  • dbhost
    Slow and steady
    • Apr 2008
    • 9261
    • League City, Texas
    • Ryobi BT3100

    Being there for one of my best friends. (LONG RANT)

    I sat in my shop, more or less leaning on the bench, kind of staring at the mess, and the equipment, not really getting anything done… And I desperately need to clean and organize my shop, not to mention make headway on birthday and Christmas gifts...

    I had just gotten off the phone with one of my best friends from high school. The guy that was the best man at my wedding, and has been there for me through thick and thin… And I’d like to think I have been likewise… But the news last night was a bit much to take. I am pretty sure I sounded like a fool on the phone, but what can you say?

    This friend was one of the guys I was in high school wood shop with. I remember the Oak kitchen table he built way back when, out of white oak and oak veneer ply. It was gorgeous.

    This friend lived across the street from me back in my home town through Junior High and High School, to say the least, we knew the family, and we knew his dad was a violent man. Never fully able to blend back in with society after coming back from Vietnam.

    There was a history there, going back as long as I can remember, of violence, death threats etc… That led to the divorce of this friends parents, and several slap on the wrist prison terms (less than a year at a time) for the father. To say the city, county, and state had to have a dedicated file cabinet or two just for his files is probably an understatement. There is NO WAY that they can claim they didn’t see this coming. We all did…

    About 10 years ago, the dad in question threatened a small town grocery store checker with a kitchen knife, and was interred into the state mental hospital, and granted 100% disability for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now I am no psychotherapist or qualified to make a medical judgement in any way, shape or form, but my spider senses detect pure Barbara Streisand on that one… The history of violent behavior, and run ins with the law for things like assault and battery predate his military service.

    Now my friend, when he found his dad was to be released from the state mental hospital earlier this yearl, well he had gotten married, and had children of his own during the time his father was in the mental hospital, had a mortgage on a nice home, had a nice car for his wife, and was driving his dream car. He was living the middle class dream. Well to protect his family, has walked away from that mortgage, that home, those cars, etc… and is now in hiding.

    His younger brother has literally tried disappearing into the woods, living in a small trailer, and working cash jobs so he can “stay off the grid” to stay away from Psycho dad…. His sister has married, and moved quite far away, and remains out of sight for good reason… While still in high school, this same younger brother, after taking a particularly vicious beating from the hands of his father had been arrested, tried, and acquitted of attempting to solicit murder to finally rid the family of the long standing violence of this man. I am NOT saying that choice was right, but you must understand, the police, the courts, the state did NOTHING to stop this man from physically, and mentally abusing his family for DECADES. This was the desperate act, of a desperate young man that got tired of pleading for help and being ignored by those with power and authority.

    So now that the history of fear and violence has been laid out for you…

    Toward late July, my friend’s dad came back into town, and assaulted his ex wife, my friend’s mom (one of countless arrests for this…), he was arrested, and she went into hiding… The local police QUICKLY released him from jail.

    Then two weeks later

    An elderly woman, wheelchair bound, and stricken with Parkinsons disease, the best friend of my best friend’s mother was found dead in her apartment in my home town. Bludgeoned to death with a ball peen hammer. She was found by a cable repairman who had actually been let into the wrong apartment by the apartment management. Police have tied blood, DNA, and fingerprint evidence to my friends father. Including the murder weapon. He has been arraigned on charges of aggravated murder.

    I know this has to bring a LOT of emotional baggage up for my friend and his family. I am not sure how I can be the most supportive friend I can be. Should I express my anger at the city police that repeatedly failed to protect the citizens? The courts? The State? The Veterans Administration?

    As much shock as has been expressed to the incompetent news media in that small town, nobody that knows the family is shocked at all. Disgusted that the state would let such a known violent man back out of the mental hospital,

    So now, here I sit, the next day, not really able to work, or think of much at all, I want to cry for that old woman’s family, but I cannot. I am simply too angry to cry… I am tired of my home town, well actually, my home state coming off looking like Hazard County when it comes to law enforcement, and protection of the citizens. What’s worse is that I am almost afraid I might recieve a subpeona to appear before a court halfway across the country. I would LOVE to cooperate with the state and get this man off the streets, and away from where he can do any harm, but I have no faith that the particular state is actually compentent to do the right thing… Decades of experience tell me that.

    I wish that he lived closer, not that I want to be any closer to his maniac dad than I am, but rather, offer up some shop time for him to get his mind on something other than that situation…
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  • Ed62
    The Full Monte
    • Oct 2006
    • 6021
    • NW Indiana
    • BT3K

    Wow! That's a lot to handle for you, not to mention what it's like for the others involved. It's a sad situation that people like that seem to fall between the cracks, so to speak. I hope it soon comes to a good conclusion for everyone.

    Do you know about kickback? Ray has a good writeup here...

    For a kickback demonstration video


    • crokett
      The Full Monte
      • Jan 2003
      • 10627
      • Mebane, NC, USA.
      • Ryobi BT3000

      Originally posted by dbhost
      I know this has to bring a LOT of emotional baggage up for my friend and his family. I am not sure how I can be the most supportive friend I can be. Should I express my anger at the city police that repeatedly failed to protect the citizens? The courts? The State? The Veterans Administration?
      First, I am very sorry to hear of this tragedy and I will be praying for you and your friend. Second, getting angry won't really help. I think the best thing you can do for your friend is just be there, even if it is just to talk. Ask him what he needs - maybe go visit him and let him know you are there to support him. Offer him some shop time now - maybe he would love to leave life behind for a while. He could help you clean it up....

      Pretend there is a wink smilie after that last.

      The chief cause of failure in this life is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.


      • JSUPreston
        Veteran Member
        • Dec 2005
        • 1189
        • Montgomery, AL.
        • Delta 36-979 w/Biesemyere fence kit making it a 36-982. Previous saw was BT3100-1.

        DB, I don't know what to say. I understand your anger and childhood wasn't very kind to me either. Best thing that happened in my childhood which saved my life is when I was placed in a childrens' home.

        That being said, I think that all that anyone can expect of you is to be the best friend your friend can have right now. Hopefully everything else will work out for the best.

        Sending prayers and best wishes your way.
        "It's a dog eat dog world out there, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear."- Norm (from Cheers)

        Eat beef-because the west wasn't won on salad.


        • jussi
          Veteran Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 2162

          I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure he and his siblings must be devastated. I agree with David in that the best thing you can do for him is to talk to him and give him any sort of comfort. He may not want to talk at all. Many people, myself included, don't want to see anyone when something tragic happens. But let him know that if/when he's ready to talk you're there. Hopefully the officials will get it right, finally, and be locked up for good. If that happens hopefully your friend (and his siblings) will finally find peace and you can remind him of that. I'll pray for you and friend. May he and his family finally get justice.
          I reject your reality and substitute my own.


          • pierhogunn2
            Established Member
            • Sep 2009
            • 134

            I appreciate you telling us about this, and I feel sorry for your friend and his family. My FIL is a highly damaged vietnam vet, my wife is lucky that his worst behavior is that he mutters un-intelligably to himself, and is completly unable to form obvious emotional attachments to anyone around him...

            I wish I could have know him before...

            It sounds like the vietnam war took a scumbag, and made him worse...


            • Richard in Smithville
              Veteran Member
              • Oct 2006
              • 3014
              • On the TARDIS
              • BT 3100

              Experiences like this remind us all to thank our blessings. Here in Canada, if someone has such a history, they can be deemed a dangerous offender and be locked up indeffinately.

              DB, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
              From the "deep south" part of Canada

              Richard in Smithville



              • germdoc
                Veteran Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 3567
                • Omaha, NE
                • BT3000--the gray ghost

                Good luck DB--I agree--just being there for your friend is the best you can do.

                Just curious--not trying to start a political discussion--but did this occur in Texas? I mean, Texas is not known (at least among us outsiders) for being soft on criminals.

                That said, no system is perfect, and sometimes a criminal or psychopath will just push the system until they go too far and kill or maim someone.

                “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”--Voltaire


                • dbhost
                  Slow and steady
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 9261
                  • League City, Texas
                  • Ryobi BT3100

                  Originally posted by germdoc
                  Good luck DB--I agree--just being there for your friend is the best you can do.

                  Just curious--not trying to start a political discussion--but did this occur in Texas? I mean, Texas is not known (at least among us outsiders) for being soft on criminals.

                  That said, no system is perfect, and sometimes a criminal or psychopath will just push the system until they go too far and kill or maim someone.
                  No. Texas would NOT have let this guy get away with his *&#@ anywhere near this long... Look to the left side of the country....
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                  • cabinetman
                    Gone but not Forgotten RIP
                    • Jun 2006
                    • 15216
                    • So. Florida
                    • Delta

                    A very tragic story. Just being there for your friend to vent might be just what he needs. Personally, I would travel to be a witness. As for shop time, it may not be too good of an idea for either of you to turn on a saw.


                    • BerniePA
                      Established Member
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 377
                      • San Tan Valley, AZ
                      • Grizzly 0575

                      Be there. BE THERE. for - w h a t e v e r - t h a t - m i g h t - e n t a i l -- BE THERE.

                      Owww -- That spinnin' thang hurt!!


                      • Uncle Cracker
                        The Full Monte
                        • May 2007
                        • 7091
                        • Sunshine State
                        • BT3000

                        There is no silver lining to a tragedy like this, but at least the authorities should now have what they need to keep this psychopath off the streets, if not off the planet altogether. At least then, your friend and the rest of his family need not hide in fear. (Yes, I remember O.J., but I'm not goin' there...)


                        • Pappy
                          The Full Monte
                          • Dec 2002
                          • 10453
                          • San Marcos, TX, USA.
                          • BT3000 (x2)

                          Not much that I can add to what has already been said. If possible, fly out to see your friend, or bring him and his here for a visit. Just getting out of the area for a while might be a good thing for him.
                          Don, aka Pappy,

                          Wise men talk because they have something to say,
                          Fools because they have to say something.


                          • dbhost
                            Slow and steady
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 9261
                            • League City, Texas
                            • Ryobi BT3100

                            I'm thinking save up some scratch and fly him, his wife, and their kids out here, show them around NASA or something... The change of scenery will do them good... Maybe take everyone down to Lake Texana, or out west to Somerville, go hike the trailway, throw a couple canoes in and paddle the lake... That sort of thing...
                            Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                            • leehljp
                              Just me
                              • Dec 2002
                              • 8472
                              • Tunica, MS
                              • BT3000/3100

                              Originally posted by dbhost
                              I'm thinking save up some scratch and fly him, his wife, and their kids out here, show them around NASA or something... The change of scenery will do them good... Maybe take everyone down to Lake Texana, or out west to Somerville, go hike the trailway, throw a couple canoes in and paddle the lake... That sort of thing...
                              Sounds like a great idea! Listening is always welcome, and listening to silence with him by just being there is therapeutic also. As mentioned above - be with him.
                              Hank Lee

                              Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!

