Does anyone else do this?

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  • Uncle Cracker
    The Full Monte
    • May 2007
    • 7091
    • Sunshine State
    • BT3000

    Sorry it took me so long to add my $0.02, but I forgot where I put my computer...


    • radhak
      Veteran Member
      • Apr 2006
      • 3061
      • Miramar, FL
      • Right Tilt 3HP Unisaw

      I have always said that there are two types of memory. My regular memory is good, even great; to do with how to do things, dates, directions, conversations - years later...

      But my "hand memory" is bad to a fault. I have never remembered what I pick up, and where I leave it. I have tried tens of 'techniques' to conquer it, but always, that crucial moment when I want the pen/glue/keys/screwdriver/ is when it is impossible to find.

      LOML has exactly the opposite problem - she never misplaces anything. But cannot retrace a path a day later...but guess which of us is branded 'absent minded'?
      It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
      - Aristotle


      • Tom Slick
        Veteran Member
        • May 2005
        • 2913
        • Paso Robles, Calif, USA.
        • sears BT3 clone

        Here's a song for you old fogies
        It might sound familiar
        Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison


        • leehljp
          Just me
          • Dec 2002
          • 8475
          • Tunica, MS
          • BT3000/3100

          I prefer to blame it on "age". At least it SOUNDS like a reasonable excuse and I can live with myself then!

          Placed my best hammer on the edge of the roof last fall when making some adjustments on the gutters. Hunted and hunted for that thing for a week before I remembered the gutters.
          Hank Lee

          Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


          • JSUPreston
            Veteran Member
            • Dec 2005
            • 1189
            • Montgomery, AL.
            • Delta 36-979 w/Biesemyere fence kit making it a 36-982. Previous saw was BT3100-1.

            Originally posted by crokett
            I do that all the time with tools at whatever jobsite I am working on. I solved the problem by trying to choose 'one spot' that I put my tools down unless I am using them. It mostly works.
            I try to do that as well, except I keep forgetting where the spot is.
            "It's a dog eat dog world out there, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear."- Norm (from Cheers)

            Eat beef-because the west wasn't won on salad.


            • rjwaldren
              Established Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 368
              • Fresno, CA

              Ah yes the old -

              "Where did you put it?"
              "Somewhere I wouldn't lose it"
              "Where's that?"
              "I don't know but I know the tool is there"

              It's amazing how much better tasks go those rare times that I actually lay my tools out on the bench. Now if I could just get to my bench.


              • jking
                Senior Member
                • May 2003
                • 972
                • Des Moines, IA.
                • BT3100

                I've actually walked around looking for my glasses only to realize later I didn't walk into the wall because I was wearing my glasses. Normally, I wear contacts; you'd think I'd realize something was on my nose that normally isn't there...

                With tools I usually have trouble finding them because I put them "where I will be able to find them" only to figure out I don't know where to find them. It particularly frustrating right now because for various reasons many of my tools are in different locations. I find that the one or two things I need to use at home are located 10 miles away. I'll be very happy when I get all of my tools back home where they belong.


                • LarryG
                  The Full Monte
                  • May 2004
                  • 6693
                  • Off The Back
                  • Powermatic PM2000, BT3100-1

                  Glasses are my nemesis. With advancing years I've gotten so I only need to wear them while driving or watching TV; for anything closer, including working in the shop, I don't need them. So I'm forever taking the fool things off and laying them down somewhere and then going, "All right, where did I put them THIS time???"

                  My absolute worst episode, however, was when I was propped up on the bed one evening, halfway paying attention to whatever was on TV and halfway sorting through the mail. Scattered around me on the bed and on a tray was my usual collection of detritus: a magazine I'd still not gotten all the way through, a sketch pad, a few pencils, one or two reference books, a few fingers of bourbon, a bottle of water. Directly I started pawing through the pile thinking, "Um, what happened to my cell phone? That's odd, I know it was here a minute ago ... all right, this is ridiculous, WHAT THE H#LL HAPPENED TO MY CELL PHONE?" The reason I couldn't find it was because I was talking on it at the time. I don't think I'm ever going to live THAT one down.


                  • herb fellows
                    Veteran Member
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1867
                    • New York City
                    • bt3100

                    Originally posted by Alex Franke
                    Once after having lost the television remote control for nearly a week, it finally turned up in the back of the freezer.
                    Ok, you win the prize!
                    You don't need a parachute to skydive, you only need a parachute to skydive twice.

