Not My Taste

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  • cabinetman
    Gone but not Forgotten RIP
    • Jun 2006
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    Not My Taste

    There's a response I've seen on forums "not my taste" although it might be an opinion, has little benefit to the display of someone's project. It's a comment similar to those directed to what something isn't versus what something is. It's almost like finding something wrong with what's pictured.

    Some posts do ask for criticism, which leaves the responses open to all sorts of responses. The post by BobSch about the "Lego that floats" could be an example of what the poster had in mind. I looked at the ship and thought that it demonstrated a great deal of patience and creativity. It could be that Bob thought the same thing and it was a unique item more than worthy of showing. So, the question of his title about it floating might have brought the doubt that it was actually floating, or, that it was a ship, and seaworthy. It's interesting how things are interpreted.

    We are all proud of the things that we make no matter what they are. Posting pictures can be a nightmare to some who may take a comment the wrong way. It can be a source of discouragement or even animosity. Unfortunately, I don't usually have a choice in what I make. If it's ugly, or impractical, it has to be what the customer wants. If I have free time, it's usually fixing something around the house. Maybe my "golden years" will let me have fun with this craft to make or create what is my taste.

    We may have discussed criticism in replies before, but I think it's worthwhile to put ourselves in the place of the poster who spent money, and worked his/her tail off being creative, and enjoying woodworking, and wanting to share that experience with others.
  • Uncle Cracker
    The Full Monte
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    Yeah, but you know Cab, any time you post something in a forum environment, there's an embedded "What do you think?" component, and you run the risk that not everybody will share your views. As long as it doesn't get personal, then you pretty much gotta let it slide. "Not my taste" is certainly a more respectful and less objectionable response than many. Speaking only for myself, I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with me, as long as they immediately thereafter jump in front of a train...


    • crokett
      The Full Monte
      • Jan 2003
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      The post was about the merits of the boat floating. IME it is better not to read into a post and look for meanings that aren't there. There's no denying the ship is an impressive piece of work that I could not do (no patience) but the poster didn't ask for our opinions.

      Adressing the other point of your post, workmanship and whether or not I like a project have nothing to do with each other, unless the workmanship is piss poor. I can appreciate the effort and skill it took to finish a project without liking the project very much. I don't like some of the stuff David Marks does but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the skill that went into creating his pieces.
      Last edited by crokett; 09-22-2008, 08:54 AM.

      The chief cause of failure in this life is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.


      • BobSch
        • Aug 2004
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        Originally posted by cabinetman
        The post by BobSch about the "Lego that floats" could be an example of what the poster had in mind. I looked at the ship and thought that it demonstrated a great deal of patience and creativity. It could be that Bob thought the same thing and it was a unique item more than worthy of showing. So, the question of his title about it floating might have brought the doubt that it was actually floating, or, that it was a ship, and seaworthy. It's interesting how things are interpreted.
        I was surprized myself by the discussion as to whether that Lego construct could float — it wasn't my reason for posting the article, but rather I posted it to show the creativity of some people.

        It's easy to forget that on the ’net people can't see your body-language or hear your tone of voice. Two subtle cues that often go un-noticed, but never ignored.

        My bad
        Last edited by BobSch; 09-22-2008, 08:38 PM.

        Bad decisions make good stories.


        • ironhat
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          Originally posted by BobSch
          It's easy to forget that on the ’net people can't see your body-language or hear your tone of voice. Two subtile cues that often go un-noticed, but never ignored.

          My bad
          I am often agast how some responses become very negative to the point of anger due to the lack of voice inflection, etc. I guess that is why we use, 'LOL' and, 'IMHO', 'YMMV' and others in order to attempt to convey opinion without prejudice or comedy rather than ridicule. It's an odd etiquette but it seems to work, for the most part.


          • Russianwolf
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            Craftsman furniture is "not my taste" but that doesn't mean it's not built well or to someone else's taste. Since I've started making pens and other small items I've learned that What I like and what other people like can be totally different. And there's nothing wrong with that. I can show a person 20 pens, all the same except the material they are made from, and they will pic the one I like the least, and that isn't my taste (read: wouldn't be caught dead using that pen), but that's their taste and if it make them happy that's all that matters.

            If someone saying that something isn't to their taste bothers you, then you need MUCH thicker skin, as it's not an insult at all. Just a statement of their taste (or lack there of).

            Also it's usually followed by "but I love the way you..........."
            Last edited by Russianwolf; 09-22-2008, 09:43 AM.
            Lakota's Dad

            If at first you don't succeed, deny you were trying in the first place.


            • LCHIEN
              Internet Fact Checker
              • Dec 2002
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              • BT3000 vintage 1999

              well to begin with "not my taste" is a fact, not an opinion.
              Nonetheless, if that's my only comment I won't bother to post it, its not germane, (italian or french, either).
              I do post positive comments, sometimes even if its not my taste if i think it embodies interesting or exemplary technique or craftsmanship.
              I also post comments if i have some constructive criticisms (especially if solicited) or perhaps safety issues. Sometimes the constructive criticisms are off the mark and I appreciate and learn something when either the OP or another poster tells me where I'm wrong or perhaps did not understand some issue.
              Loring in Katy, TX USA
              If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
              BT3 FAQ -


              • poolhound
                Veteran Member
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                I think there are some people who lurk on forums (not this one) simply so they can support their own ego and self importance. They enhance this by nitpicking and diging at other members and their contributions and work. I am glad to say I dont see such things here at BT3 (you should try some of the photo forums - they are terrible).

                A forum by its very nature is a collaborative environment for like minded individuals and constructive input is part of the process. They are a fantastic way to "meet" others and learn from their experinces. I am a member of various forums on different topics and this one is by far the best!!

                A good day is one where I learn something new (we never stop) and I welcome all CC on any of my posts or projects. If there are better or easier ways to do something then I am happy to hear them. I of course reserve the right to completley ignore what anybody else may say and I have a thick skin so should I get negative comments I will just have to get a sharper knife to slit my wrists

                Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

                We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them


                • shoottx
                  Veteran Member
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                  Originally posted by cabinetman
                  There's a response I've seen on forums "not my taste" although it might be an opinion, has little benefit to the display of someone's project. .
                  C'man if you would quit posting on the fashion and style forums, and stick with the wood working forums, your feelings probably wouldn't get hurt as much

                  "Not my taste" would be an appropriate comment if someone asked me to buy something. Taste is a very personal criteria, but not a comment on a project or picture. It strikes me as a cheap shot (something one aught to keep to themselves) or a self promoting comment (something one aught to keep to themselves) .

                  Best of all I don't see it much around this forum. I do see responses go in a direction different than my thought process. No one has ever claimed that it was flawless!
                  Last edited by shoottx; 09-22-2008, 11:03 AM. Reason: fat fingers
                  Often in error - Never in doubt



                  • Mr__Bill
                    Veteran Member
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                    Having spent years in the Theatre I know that there are many who never did it, can't do it, yet feel the need to tell you what you did wrong and how to do it better. The surprising thing is, sometimes they are right! I try to filter out those who are just there for the put-down from those who are sincere, no matter how critical or negative they may be. Just as we should ignore empty flattery and take to heart the true praise.

                    Sometimes things meander on to different or side topics because to many of us the forum is not a structured discussion but a conversation. Conversations tend to wonder and when you get those of us with ADD involved they can trail off into stories of no relevance whatsoever. Or in some cases the absolute need to make a comment when one has nothing to say. "Not my taste" could be a product of that need.

                    However, I believe that the "Not my Taste" comment is very negative. I take it to mean that the writer is saying 'I have so little regard for you work that I will not even bother forming and opinion and expressing it, and I am going to let you know that!' I have seen posted here many things that were "Not my Taste" yet I do have an opinion. I have to marvel in the workmanship, creativity, simple beauty of the wood involved or how the project so eloquently filled someones need. Likewise I have seen shop projects that look like they were hacked together by Tom and Jerry and have thought "what a clever idea, I wish that I had thought of that" and I know that if I built one it would look just as rustic, if that good.

                    I believe that negative comments should be substantiated and followed with an explanation of how, in the opinion of the commentator, the original poster could have done better

                    I am one of those who commented on floating Legos. While I found the Lego Aircraft Carrier an amazing Lego construction, the side issue of floating was to me more interesting. It seemed that no one had Googled to find out if they do indeed float, nor did anyone seem to consider that, perhaps, the builder had glued them together. If glued together that would indeed make the boat float.

                    And, it seems that I have taken your discussion on discussion back into the Lego floating debate; and I sir, am sitting here laughing.

                    Just so that there is no confusion, I believe you have a valid point. I for one try to not be negative and years ago learned that different is not better and I often only do it different. (far to often mine is not as good). As contributors to a forum we, as you said, need to put ourselves into the other person's shoes. We also need to read over what we write and make sure that we truly saying what we think we are. It is too easy to badly phrase a comment that can, and or will be, taken the wrong way. That said, I am a non-speller and rely upon spell-check, if any word was used inappropriately please blame it on the spellchecker. The opinions I take full credit for.

                    Bill, on the Sunny Oregon Coast, where today it actually is sunny!
                    Last edited by Mr__Bill; 09-22-2008, 11:35 AM.


                    • cabinetman
                      Gone but not Forgotten RIP
                      • Jun 2006
                      • 15216
                      • So. Florida
                      • Delta

                      Originally posted by Mr__Bill
                      Having spent years in the Theatre I know that there are many who never did it, can't do it, yet feel the need to tell you what you did wrong and how to do it better. The surprising thing is, sometimes they are right!
                      Just so that there is no confusion, I believe you have a valid point. I for one try to not be negative and years ago learned that different is not better and I often only do it different. (far to often mine is not as good). As contributors to a forum we, as you said, need to put ourselves into the other person's shoes. We also need to read over what we write and make sure that we truly saying what we think we are. It is too easy to badly phrase a comment that can, and or will be, taken the wrong way. That said, I am a non-speller and rely upon spell-check, if any word was used inappropriately please blame it on the spellchecker. The opinions I take full credit for.

                      Bill, on the Sunny Oregon Coast, where today it actually is sunny!

                      A word not often used is respect. You're right about phrasing a comment. That should hold true for phrasing a post. I've got a sense of humor (crude as it is), and at times I find it difficult to figure out the seriousness of a post. Some posts are great for generating all kinds of responses. A good example was crokett's thread about left handed mousing. Do we have to see more of the OP's replies to find out it's a serious ailment? So, part of the dilemma may rest with establishing an intent when making a post. It's not always easy to figure out. Furthering the confusion are replies from those that haven't read previous replies.

                      We can't always respond and have it interpreted the way we meant what we said. And, I agree with what you said about reading our responses before clicking "submit".


                      • Bruce Cohen
                        Veteran Member
                        • May 2003
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                        I just had to add something to this.

                        Saying "Not My Taste" means spit. Just "What is your taste nad what does that remark mean"? Show something to 20 people and you'll get 20 different opinions, and they're all subjective. Which don't amount to a hill of beans.

                        It's impossible to add anything to anyone's work by plain saying NOT MY TASTE.

                        If I said that about your wife, I'd be in some serious $hit.

                        I feel that that comment is a slap in the face of the person who has worked hard, is proud and has put a piece of his/her soul into what they are showing. And what do they get but a lame ass comment such as Not My Taste. That's about as constructive as saying Very Nice, and nothing else.

                        My late mother used to say "If you can't say anything NICE about someone or something, then don't say anything. Ergo, Shut the F up. If you want to correct a posters work, do so in a teaching way, not with some BS comment about not my taste. Explain to me where I went wrong, clumsy design, bad scale, poor construction, but help me avoid errors in the future.

                        Oysters are not to my taste. No matter how many times I've tried to eat one, be it raw or cooked, it still feels like I'm eating snot. Now that comment makes sense.

                        An uninvited comment that's not helpful it spiteful. It's like having someone spit on your work.

                        Think about the posters' feelings before you comment and if its negative, you sure as h**l better do better work than me, or better yet, pass on posting your remark altogether.

                        Last edited by Bruce Cohen; 09-22-2008, 08:35 PM. Reason: Not strong enough
                        "Western civilization didn't make all men equal,
                        Samuel Colt did"


                        • cabinetman
                          Gone but not Forgotten RIP
                          • Jun 2006
                          • 15216
                          • So. Florida
                          • Delta

                          Originally posted by Bruce Cohen
                          I just had to add something to this.

                          Saying "Not My Taste" means spit. Just "What is your taste nad what does that remark mean"? Show something to 20 people and you'll get 20 different opinions, and they're all subjective. Which don't amount to a hill of beans.

                          It's impossible to add anything to anyone's work by plain saying NOT MY TASTE.

                          If I said that about your wife, I'd be in some serious $hit.

                          I feel that that comment is a slap in the face of the person who has worked hard, is proud and has put a piece of his/her soul into what they are showing. And what do they get but a lame ass comment such as Not My Taste. That's about as constructive as saying Very Nice, and nothing else.


                          Comments like "Not My Taste" and anything like it in the negative sense is a comment about what it isn't and not what it is. If a poster asks for a criticism, it should be expected to get what comes along. Or, if asking for suggestions to comment on scale, finish or materials, that opens a door to opinions that can be worded not to be demeaning. But I agree that it is a "spit in the face".

                          With that type of negativity, even a newcomer may be reluctant to reply to a post as he/she may be quoted negatively. It seems there is a small number of our membership that is active...makes me wonder why.

                          BTW, whatever happened to the little magical elves? Did they get deployed to active duty?
                          Last edited by cabinetman; 09-23-2008, 05:10 AM.


                          • Mr__Bill
                            Veteran Member
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                            darn it all, and here I found a graphic of little magic elves...
                            Last edited by Mr__Bill; 09-23-2008, 04:29 PM.


                            • Bruce Cohen
                              Veteran Member
                              • May 2003
                              • 2698
                              • Nanuet, NY, USA.
                              • BT3100

                              Originally posted by cabinetman;

                              BTW, whatever happened to the [COLOR=DarkGreen
                              little magical elves[/color][/size]? Did they get deployed to active duty?

                              Nope, They all moved to Idaho to get away from all the BS

                              "Western civilization didn't make all men equal,
                              Samuel Colt did"

