Smoking and drinking

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  • Tom Slick
    Veteran Member
    • May 2005
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    I used to dip copenhagen, but haven't for about 10 years. I tried to take up smoking but luckily it never caught on for me.
    Drank regularly and not in moderatation from Jr high through high school and a several years after but never had a problem with it. now I go through maybe a 6 pack in a week or two. I'll have a glass of wine with dinner on occasion. If I'm out with the boys a heavy night of drinking will be 5 drinks, just enough for a buzz. I get hangovers bad now so that deters me form drinking too much.
    Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison


    • billwmeyer
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      I drink a little beer, and like a Gin and tonic occasionally. A six pack of beer will usually last me 2 or 3 months. I used to drink a lot more, but found myself starting to look forward to that drink when I got home, so I pretty much quit. As a matter of fact I still have that same bottle of gin, and it is about 25 years old now. I have never done drugs in my life.
      "I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in."-Kenny Rogers


      • DonHo
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        Have never smoked or done drugs. I have a small glass of red wine 3 or 4 days a week and probably drink a six pack of dark beer a year.



        • cwsmith
          Veteran Member
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          Tried smoking when I was in Junior High... got sick and haven't been back. A 12-pack of beer will last me 2 or 3 months. Other than that, I'll maybe have a glass of wine when we go out with friends to dinner or a get together. That probably doesn't amount to more than a bottle or two a year.

          Now if I can only do something about cutting down on the 12 oz of diet cola I consume each day!

          Think it Through Before You Do!


          • Jeffrey Schronce
            Veteran Member
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            Originally posted by cwsmith
            Now if I can only do something about cutting down on the 12 oz of diet cola I consume each day!


            Do you mean number of 12 oz diet colas? Or reduce the 12 oz!?!?!

            This is one of my last habits I am trying to break. Due to mentioned sleep problems I used caffine from soda to fuel my day. 2 liters a day. Easy.


            • TB Roye
              Veteran Member
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              Quit smoking 6 years ago the 26th of this month. Drank a lot when younger, got older and matured a little. Still enjoy a glass of wine when we go out to with dinner or have family gathering but one or two glasses that it. Never did get into the dug thing.



              • John Hunter
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                I quite smoking in 95, I don't drink.
                John Hunter


                • Pappy
                  The Full Monte
                  • Dec 2002
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                  Still carry a pack a day habit, but that is down from what it was not too long ago.

                  I sometimes have a bourbon and water or a beer when we go out to eat. I keep a bottle of Weller's in the cabinet. A fifth lasts about 2 years.

                  There is a beer in the fridge that's been there about 3 months. Part of the second of three 12 packs I bought when I was on the west coast 2 years ago.
                  Don, aka Pappy,

                  Wise men talk because they have something to say,
                  Fools because they have to say something.


                  • Papa
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                    Smoking and Drinking

                    I quit smoking on March 15, 1968. I can remember the date because I was in Chu Lai, Vietnam, and I won a bottle of Black Label Jack Daniels from my battalion skipper on a bet for staying off the "cancer stix" longer than he did. I was a "two-pack-a-day" man at the time. Drinking in moderation is okay by me. Now that I'm past 70, I settle for a glass of white wine now and then.

                    Warren Bell
                    Once a Seabee, Always a Seabee


                    • lrogers
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                      I've never smoked or done drugs, but I do enjoy a cold beer once in a while.
                      Larry R. Rogers
                      The Samurai Wood Butcher


                      • crokett
                        The Full Monte
                        • Jan 2003
                        • 10627
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                        • Ryobi BT3000

                        I have a beer a couple times a week. Also own a pipe and I am a very occaisonal pipe/cigar smoker. Reminds me that with my daughter being born any day I should go find some good cigars.

                        The chief cause of failure in this life is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.


                        • radhak
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                          Years ago, during my very first week in college, we as a group were invited to a 'get acquainted' party by our seniors. It was pretty nice and gentle, no 'hazing', in fact they were trying to kill us with kindness - too much of drink and drug available.

                          Unfortunately for me (as I thought then), I drew the short straw and was the 'designated driver' for the evening. Which meant I wandered around with just a sip of beer or something. End of party, I carted my friends back to our digs, and my roommate back to his bed. Middle of night I woke up to my roommate throwing up all over himself and the bed and the room; he had also soiled himself and was trembling like a puppy with pneumonia.

                          I rushed him to the ICU, but he was back in circulation in a couple of days. These days it's called binge drinking, I did not even know the name then.

                          What this did was turn me off from every 'stimulant'. And it was more for the disgust of it rather than the fear of 'what-if'. He was (literally) rolling in vomit and urine and faeces and of course I had all that all over me pretty soon . Me, my clothes, the room stank of it for days, and I imagined the stink for months after that. This turnoff from drink/drug/smoke slowly became a habit, and then a way-of-life.

                          Today, my wife knows that to really perk me up after a long day, she just needs to make me a glass of fresh fruit juice - orange, apple, mango, whatever. I think she's slightly embarrassed when I look for orange juice at the pizza joint ;-) and maybe it has also contributed to the fact that I have not visited a doctor for a decade and a half (I don't even have a primary doctor, just a dentist), so I am pretty happy about it.

                          But for all that, it’s sometimes awkward to stand out as a teetotaler in a party, almost feel like a party-pooper. I remember this girl who (on a first date) was shocked to learn that I had never tasted any hard liquor, and quickly disappeared
                          It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
                          - Aristotle


                          • rcp612
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                            Quit smoking after 43 years on Easter Sunday 2006. Have an occasional beer or red wine but never too much since school.
                            Do like you always do,,,,,,Get what you always get!!


                            • LinuxRandal
                              Veteran Member
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                              I smoked for a two week period in 86. Shortly thereafter went into the Dr.'s office and learned I am allergic to tobacco, and that was causing me to break down into asthma attacks after walking up two flights of stairs. Now I think I know at least as many that smoke as don't. I try to avoid it (know I can't completely and don't try completely). Most of the cigarettes and tobacco is so chemically treated, that the smell doesn't bother me. Just the cigars and pipe (which I love the smell of, reminds me of Gramps from LONG ago), which can cause me to start wheezing.

                              I gave up drinking long ago. Never could stand the taste of beer, but I liked coke and grain alcohol. I've both seen too many friends get dui's and lost people on both sides of the equation. One dui even ended a friends pro sports career. When I was so much younger, we used to have parties. The rules were, you could pretty much do any substance, but you had to stick around so others could make sure you were ok to drive. I quickly ended up becoming a designated driver and am one to this day.
                              She couldn't tell the difference between the escape pod, and the bathroom. We had to go back for her.........................Twice.


                              • cwsmith
                                Veteran Member
                                • Dec 2005
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                                I meant "one" 12 oz can! (failed bit of humor) But seriously, I'm trying to drop the carbonated drinks, period. I'm becoming a "water" person. I dropped caffeine and sugar a long time ago.

                                But I know what you mean, I think there are a lot of people who seem to thrive on caffeine. For me, the caffein puts me over the edge, I'm already a Type A person! you can only imagine how much fun I am to be around when I drink add caffeine to the diet.

                                Think it Through Before You Do!

