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  • RAFlorida
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    What 'Annunaki' has posted

    has been facts. The jury did their job and everybody that thinks otherwise, should read how the law works, and be thankful for it. I've only seen jury trials fail twice in the last 20 some years, but I still believe it to be the best. Yeah, I'd rather be tried by 6 (12) than carried by 6 (12) or however that goes.


    • JR
      The Full Monte
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      Originally posted by annunaki
      So then GZ Should have just lain there while his head was pounded into the pavement, got a concussion to go with his already broken nose, and eventually gone unconscious,
      No, he should not have done any of that.

      But what I don't understand is how he got from witnessing the kid running away to getting a fight with him. Looking at that transcript it's clear TM was aware of GZ following him He ran away. The next thing you know they're fighting.

      How did that happen?


      • Cochese
        Veteran Member
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        Originally posted by JR
        No, he should not have done any of that.

        But what I don't understand is how he got from witnessing the kid running away to getting a fight with him. Looking at that transcript it's clear TM was aware of GZ following him He ran away. The next thing you know they're fighting.

        How did that happen?
        From what I understand, TM came back and confronted GZ while he waited for the police to arrive. I can't say it's 100% true.
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        • annunaki
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          "Yeah, I'd rather be tried by 6 (12) than carried by 6 (12) or however that goes. "

          6 = Number of Pallbearers to carry the Coffin

          12 = Number of Jurors making a judgement of fate

          Therefore - Better the 12 (you're still alive), than the 6 (you're Dead)


          • annunaki
            Senior Member
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            "From what I understand, TM came back and confronted GZ while he waited for the police to arrive"

            It was TM who forced the confrontation with "What's your problem" ?
            TM instigated and escalated that confrontation by throwing a punch breaking GZ's nose.
            Prior to that there had been no physical contact.

            Now for some Fun with Profiling....

            Burglars prefer night over day- It was nighttime

            Burglars prefer rear yards with sliding glass doors for greater viability to see better if anyone is home. -TM was in the rear alley, and the units had sliding glass doors.

            Burglars also prefer a rear entrance so that they won't be seen by arriving or departing neighbors. TM was in the rear alley.

            It was raining yet TM did not make a bee line for the residence where he had been staying.

            Hoodies are often preferred by burglars because they obscure facial features.
            TM was wearing a Hoodie.

            TM has a past history of being found in possession of jewelery and a screw driver. - Screwdrivers are a popular burglar tool for prying open doors, windows, and popping & forcing auto ignitions.

            Adding all but the last one up, gave GZ REASONABLE CAUSE TO BELIEVE that TM was demonstrating questionable behavior


            One final thought. Since TM had no employment, where did he get money to buy Marijuana ?


            • annunaki
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              JUROR SPEAKS

              Juror: 'No doubt' that Zimmerman feared for his life

              IT director who raised questions is fired
              updated 10:16 AM EDT, Mon July 15, 2013
              An employee of the Florida State Attorney's Office who testified that prosecutors withheld evidence from George Zimmerman's defense team has been fired.


              • Slik Geek
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                Originally posted by cwsmith
                I couldn't disagree more! And the reasons are many.
                Sadly, in so many instances for this case, many have stated reasons to criticize and condemn Zimmerman, but as others have shown, these reasons are often based on misinformation and rhetoric, instead of the verifiable facts. Emotions run so high that we lose the ability to consider this tragic situation objectively.

                Originally posted by cwsmith
                Place yourself in a situation where you are walking home and someone starts following you. You are unarmed, but this unknown person is dogging you and you don't know his intent. What would you do? Stand your ground or run?
                Until we are in a situation like this, we can only speculate on what a person should do because reality has a way of changing our response. As I considered this, I recalled a time when I was a year or two younger than TM, and I was staying briefly at a house that wasn't my own in a different city and I was home alone - at night. Through I hadn't done anything except be in the wrong place at the wrong time, I found myself being pursued by a hostile guy who was bigger than me. I was initially tempted to run to the house where I was staying, but I was afraid that trouble would just follow me there and he perhaps might break into the house. So instead, I ran and hid (most residential neighborhoods offer many hiding spots in the dark).

                Furthest from my mind would be to circle around and confront the person following me - but I'm not the aggressive type so others may act differently.

                So if TM felt threatened, why didn't he run and hide and then when the guy following him passed by, and was safely away, then sprint to his nearby home, resulting in him being safe and his whereabouts unknown. Plus, TM had a phone. If he felt threatened, and wasn't himself combative or confrontational, why didn't TM call 911?

                Originally posted by cwsmith
                I still don't understand the six-person jury, and why two of those were NRA-pro gun members. Also, with race being a reasonable motivation by Zimmerman to follow and confront the victime, why was there no balance to the jury?
                Are you suggesting that it would be more balanced to have the jury comprised of anti-gun rights people??? In this respect, the jury actually appears close to being balanced.

                The Constitution specifies "an impartial jury" in the Bill of Rights to insure that the DEFENDANT is treated fairly. People who believe that the jury must have a particular racial makeup are themselves being racist (and committing racial profiling).

                Keep in mind that the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney had significant input in the jury selection, eliminating 9 out of every 10 potential jurors (6 resulting out of at least 56 originally). This jury wasn't thrust upon the prosecution or the defense.


                • cabinetman
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                  I've been watching the reactions to the verdict. Zimmerman wasn't charged initially. Then the protests started and then the State decided...OK, we'll charge the guy and let a jury decide. So, then, the protestors got their wish.

                  The case goes to trial, and Zimmerman is found not guilty. Well, the same protestors aren't happy with that verdict. The justice system didn't give them what they wanted. They are now trying to figure out how to get justice so that Zimmerman comes out guilty. Hey, maybe make a federal case out of it. Yeah, we'll pressure the federal court system to charge him...maybe we'll get a guilty verdict that way.

                  I'm just wondering if that happens, and it comes out as not guilty again...what's left for the there an interplanetary justice system? Maybe just set aside the verdict and say he's guilty. Now that's the kind of justice the protestors really want. Anything other than that won't be acceptable.

                  They could say it's the will of the masses, and with mob rule kidnap Zimmerman, and hang him from a tree. Now...that sounds very familiar.



                  • JimD
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                    I saw an editorial this morning arguing that Zimmerman's life wasn't in danger because "who ever heard of a person dying from his head banging concrete?". How silly can you get. I suspect the judges decision to exclude the character information on TM would have been a reason for an appeal if GZ had been convicted. Maybe this is just a young man who made a bad decision and a trigger happy guy with a gun but the available data says TM forced a confrontation he was winning but he didn't count on GZ being armed. The only scenario where I would think GZ "got off" is if he was the one that confronted TM to hold him for the cops or something. I'm not sure that would create a crime, however. But if it was really TM confronting GZ and injuring him before the gun came out, GZ shouldn't have been tried.


                    • durango dude
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                      I'm an avid shooter, and even carry openly on occasion (back country exploring, or hunting). I don't conceal-carry - simply because I don't like what it does to my mind.

                      I think this guy was over-confident . I think his mindset allowed him to get into a physical confrontation (he chased Martin) - and ultimately led to death. I don't think he's a murderer - but I would have easily considered man slaughter were I on the jury. (Seems fair to say the incident was a two-way street).

                      One of the things they teach a real cop is how to avoid conflict (and how to handle it if it comes). Vigalantes don't really do that.

                      I don't claim to be perfect - but I think prudence is better than paranoia. Temprence is usually more effective than testosterone.

                      In any event - the jury decided what they decided. I wish they hadn't decided what they did.

                      Now - getting back to woodworking ----


                      • leehljp
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                        Originally posted by durango dude

                        One of the things they teach a real cop is how to avoid conflict (and how to handle it if it comes). Vigalantes don't really do that.

                        I don't claim to be perfect - but I think prudence is better than paranoia. Temprence is usually more effective than testosterone.

                        Now - getting back to woodworking ----
                        My daughter is in social work and that was her major. She was an investigator (now supervisor) for child protective services and this is one thing she does well. After a burnout early-on in another state, she worked as assistant manager for a hotel chain. She was always getting compliments on how she handled troubling customers.

                        Even now, a few of the police of her city report how well she handles potential threats. ( I have to ask, is this MY daughter?, 'Cause I don't hear that in our "family" discussions ) My daughter has an ability to diffuse a situation, be confrontational without being offensive and taking control while making people relax. It helps that the police is usually there, but they usually let her do the talking.

                        What you said succinctly is pure wisdom!
                        Hank Lee

                        Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


                        • JimD
                          Veteran Member
                          • Feb 2003
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                          I think that the focus on the gun is somewhat mis-placed. What if GZ had simply used his hands to address TM and TM had died? He is older and heavier and there would have been calls for him to be charged. There was a fight and somebody died. We know that. Who said what to who and who did or did not have good skills in defusing the situation we can only guess about.



                          • annunaki
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                            It wasn't just Skittles Trayvon was carrying

                            It wasn't just Skittles Trayvon was carrying


                            ".......Among its reports, Trayvon Martin’s drug use, explaining how the Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail drink he carried that night are ingredients that, when mixed with dextromethorphan (DXM) cough syrup, create “Lean”, a concocted high which can cause psychosis and aggression over the longer term. According to the autopsy report, Martin’s liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse."


                            • annunaki
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                              NAACP admits: Trayvon's past 'shaky'

                              NAACP admits: Trayvon's past 'shaky'
                              You won't believe stunning comments on Zimmerman case

                              "...Twitter, Facebook, and toxicology tests have established Trayvon’s long and enthusiastic acquaintance with marijuana and codeine. Says Jack Cashill over at American Thinker:

                              Trayvon, in fact, had become a devotee of the druggy concoction known as “Lean,” also known in southern hip-hop culture as “Sizzurp” and “Purple Drank.” Lean consists of three basic ingredients – codeine, a soft drink, and candy. If his Facebook postings are to be believed, Trayvon had been using Lean since at least June 2011.

                              On June 27, 2011, Trayvon asks a friend online, “unow a connect for codien?” He tells the friend that “robitussin nd soda” could make “some fire a** lean.” He says, “I had it before” and that he wants “to make some more.” On the night of February 26, if there was some Robitussin at home, Trayvon had just bought some mixings for one “fire a** lean” cocktail.

                              Mixing codeine and fruit juice is a popular topic with rap stars, including one of the biggest of all, Li’l Wayne.

                              The Daily Mail over in London did a wrap up story about how Trayvon was suspended from school three times for fighting, drug abuse, and vandalism."

                              "...The Miami Herald broke this story after finding out about it almost by accident.

                              In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f***.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

                              Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.

                              Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.

                              Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.

                              “Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.

                              Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation.

                              Trayvon was shot while on suspension from high school."


                              • Black wallnut
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                                Likely the reason Trayvon's past was excluded is because GZ did not know it at the time of the "crime" thus it was not evidence. In the same way LEA cannot base an arrest for a current crime on a perps past record. They must base it solely on probable cause that they can articulate.
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