Keep Getting Logged Off

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  • sweensdv
    Veteran Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 2867
    • WI
    • Baileigh TS-1040P-50

    Keep Getting Logged Off

    In the past I was always able to be stayed logged into this site. Now, every time I leave I automatically get logged off and have to re log-in the next time I visit. I have checked the remember me box and also cleared cookies but that didn't help. It's a minor issue but I'm curious, did something change? I don't have this issue anywhere else.
    "Have a Great Day, unless you've made other plans"
  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
    • Dec 2002
    • 2988
    • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
    • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

    Nothing has changed recently and I'm having no issues with staying logged in on any of my devices. What browser / OS are you using?
    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.


    • leehljp
      The Full Monte
      • Dec 2002
      • 8552
      • Tunica, MS
      • BT3000/3100

      I get this occasionally about once every two or three years with Safari. After three or four days of this, I switch browsers for a week or two (in which I don't have the log in problem) and then go back to Safari and it works fine. Clearing cookies don't help. Only time and a backup browser for a week or two helps me.

      I have a backup browser and a third & fourth that I use on rare occasions for checking things under specific circumstances.
      My browsers and the order of use:
      1. Safari
      2. Duck Duck Go
      3. Brave (a Mozilla iteration)
      4. Firefox
      Hank Lee

      Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


      • sweensdv
        Veteran Member
        • Dec 2002
        • 2867
        • WI
        • Baileigh TS-1040P-50

        I'll try using another browser and see what that does. I've been using Firefox and I know that it can be sketchy sometimes so maybe that's my issue.
        "Have a Great Day, unless you've made other plans"


        • sweensdv
          Veteran Member
          • Dec 2002
          • 2867
          • WI
          • Baileigh TS-1040P-50

          FYI, it must be an issue with Firefox. Today when I opened the site in Firefox it wanted me to login again. I switched over to another browser that I had logged in to yesterday and I was still logged in there.
          "Have a Great Day, unless you've made other plans"


          • leehljp
            leehljp commented
            Editing a comment
            That is what I experience on occasion as I mentioned above. After a couple of weeks, go back to FireFox and see if it is working.
        • dbhost
          Slow and steady
          • Apr 2008
          • 9348
          • League City, Texas
          • Ryobi BT3100

          I never get logged off, or at least it is infrequent... I am using Chrome.
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          • LCHIEN
            Super Moderator
            • Dec 2002
            • 21459
            • Katy, TX, USA.
            • BT3000 vintage 1999

            I log on using a desktop, two laptops, and a couple of phones around my home, all using Chrome. I hardly ever find myself logged off, only sometimes when I have not used the device for a long time - probably more than a week.

            Loring in Katy, TX USA
            If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
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