Rod I see on your drum sander you made it so the drum is more stable. Can you tell me how you made the attachment on the side and what its made out of? I have the same sander and would like to make one similar. Thanks
Kirby's Shop Tour
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All made from Marine plywood - Sander drilled/tapped for the attachment.
If Sam fixes the pic "restriction" I will post a pic!Downunder ... 1" = 25.4mm
Bumping this thread as a refresher/reminder/inspiration/memorial to Rod Kirby's shop
Loring in Katy, TX USA
If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
BT3 FAQ -👍 1Comment
Thank you for bumping this LCHIEN, The other thread was a good reminder, this is a total blast from the past. Rod's contributions to this site / community are very much missed.Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.Comment
I don't know how many times I've read this thread over the years and it is always inspiring. Rod was gifted with such great talent and generously shared it with us all.Chr's
An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
A moral man does it.👍 2Comment
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