This is actually my latest acquisition – it replaces my 17 year venerable Bench DP which sat on the stand now on the right of the DP. I was lucky I had enough room to do this – there weren’t any other options. I’m finding the flat top of the stand useful for working on both the DP and Router table.
I always add drawers, if I can, when I’m locating any new tool – all that empty space (for me), at the bottom of the column… Most of my drawers are lined with corrugated cardboard (ridges across the drawer), helps to stop the contents moving around. I got the cardboard from my local "Pack & Send" store.
The DP table was also used on the old DP and I discovered the only easy way to attach it was to drill/tap ¼”-20 holes into the front of the OEM table (no holes!), and use a connecting piece of plywood from the 1-1/4” MDF spacer under the table. The spacer is there to allow clearance for the handle which raises/lowers the table.
The large clamp is in the case because it began its life in my old garage where rust was a REAL problem. I’ve only needed it twice in 18 years so it’s easy to leave it there. Not obvious, but I had to move the case up 2” to allow the DP top to open (grrrr).
The box on the left is my mini powerboard. And of course, WOOD’s excellent speed chart.
I have a tendency to “collect” drill bits
My Drill bit cabinet contains what you would expect – inch and metric bits, forstners, “spade” bits for glass/ceramics. The “stacked” forstners on the right have an 18mm and 30mm in front of the inch ones. My tall DP fence lives under the cabinet.
BTW If you notice any (small) holes in the MDF walls or pale “blank” spaces anywhere in the Shed, it’s because I seem to be constantly moving things. Also, if you see any ”empty” ¼” MDF pieces on the walls they are covering LARGE ugly holes.
Coming up - Kirby’s Shed: 2. “Small” Router table.
WARNING – you may notice some dust.
Edit - Added floor plan - suggestion from Loring - thanks