Should be able to slip this fund raiser entry in with out being confused with all those amazingly creative pieces of work.
Planed to 1 inch. 15 1/5 by 22 inches.
Dado, dado, dado. Did I mention dado?
Holds 63 CDs, including the "Featured Artist" display
General Finishes Warm Cherry with some poly over top.
French Cleat and spacer made from the piece of the 2 x 6 which
was used for the dado test cuts.

Planed to 1 inch. 15 1/5 by 22 inches.
Dado, dado, dado. Did I mention dado?
Holds 63 CDs, including the "Featured Artist" display
General Finishes Warm Cherry with some poly over top.
French Cleat and spacer made from the piece of the 2 x 6 which
was used for the dado test cuts.