More Xmas shop time

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  • CrashResq
    WOOO HOOO.... I feel all official now... it's going to be a Merry Christmas indeed... I got my first official "YOU SUCK" from Scott.

    Bob... the acorn looking vase is hollowed... about 1/4" thick walls... I drill it first to the depth I want it hollow and then use a Sorby RS200KT Multi-Tip tool for most of the hollowing process. I plan on getting the Sorby Hollow Master after new year. The other two vases are more of the weedpot type vase with a 1/2" hole drill nearly to the bottom.

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  • mudder

    The vase in the second picture is amazing.


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  • Whit
    Great looking turnings Bill. I have turned Arizona ash that had worm tunnels. On some, I dug the loose material(castings or whatever it is called) out before finishing. Thought it gave the part character, like you said.

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  • GeekMom
    Very nice, Bill. I especially like the shape on the Bradford Pear.

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  • Scottydont
    Very nice. I am going to have to try doing those spoons. We are a bunch of coffee snobs in my family. My wife used to work for Starbucks Corporate. I love that Bradford pear!

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  • boblon
    Man, those look great ! Are those vases actually hollowed? If so, am curious how you did that. Tools to use, tips, etc. I've got a couple of blocks sized for vases, but don't consider myself up to the task yet.

    And the more I look at the spoons you've posted the more enamored I am with them. I for one would for sure be interested in a tutorial.

    Looks great


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  • Whaler
    Wow Bill, that is some beautiful work.

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  • CrashResq
    started a topic More Xmas shop time

    More Xmas shop time

    Got a couple more hours out in the shop trying to get some more goodies done for Christmas. The same friend who wanted the pens for her MIL also wanted some weedpots/vases for her Grandmother. I've posted the one from Ash, these are from the Bradford pear tree that blew down in my yard this last spring:

    Left a little bark on and the bug tunnels for character, opinion?:

    LOML said that vases and such have to be done in three's (some decorating rule... she watches too much HGTV, so here are all three:

    Finally, three more teaspoons. My daughters threw such a fit about the spoons, I made one for them also. The one with the captive ring is for the oldest... she loves the captive rings and the one in the middle is for my 11 year old.... she is quite the little artist (has one several state art shows in pen and ink and acrylics) so I had her tell me what she thought I should do... she didn't know it was for her. The one on the left is for give away:

    After the holidays, if you guys are still interested, I'll attempt a little tutorial on the spoons and pass on the lessons learned. Thanx for lookin'