Working handheld router with the dovetail jig was a lot of operations.
After you make the cut you have to set the router down somewhere and of course with the template guide and the router bit both protruding from below the baseplate you can't set it down right side up, the usual for me is to let it flip it by the ball handles and set it down on its flat top.
They you have to flip it next time you use it and the cord gets all twisted if you flip it one way all the time. And the sharp bit is protruding and might be a hazard.
I always wait for the bit to spin down before I remove it from the jig template lest I nick something with the spinning bit (DAMHIKT) but for other work you can also put the router down while its still spinning and want not to damage anything.
Sometime back I made a router stand from a magazine that was all nice and designed,
but here I wanted something smaller and besides I misplaced my router rest.
I intended to throw this together quickly but I got detoured into making a jig to cut and drill the round standoffs I used.
I Frankly shot from the hip on this one using scrap wood, freehanded most stuff and did not measure and use marking tools for hardly anything... I just poked a hole where eyeballs said it looked right, quite a different tack from my usual careful design.
One inch standoffs and a half inch recess in the base, I can put a router with a 2 inch long and 2 inch diameter bit in it... not necessarily both at the same time, either long or wide - you'd be kinda nuts to put a 2 inch diameter and 2 inch long bit in a handheld router.
Anyway fits OK, didn't get to use it yet since I finished the second dovetail planter box this afternoon.
One inch standoffs were a waste of time... should have just cut two strips of wood one inch wide and glued those in there. Looks cute, though.
I have a wild hair to use a small radius roundover bit on the inside of that curve....

Anybody see the piece of scrap wood that is the cutoff from the top piece of dog-ear picket fence board?
After you make the cut you have to set the router down somewhere and of course with the template guide and the router bit both protruding from below the baseplate you can't set it down right side up, the usual for me is to let it flip it by the ball handles and set it down on its flat top.
They you have to flip it next time you use it and the cord gets all twisted if you flip it one way all the time. And the sharp bit is protruding and might be a hazard.
I always wait for the bit to spin down before I remove it from the jig template lest I nick something with the spinning bit (DAMHIKT) but for other work you can also put the router down while its still spinning and want not to damage anything.
Sometime back I made a router stand from a magazine that was all nice and designed,
but here I wanted something smaller and besides I misplaced my router rest.
I intended to throw this together quickly but I got detoured into making a jig to cut and drill the round standoffs I used.
I Frankly shot from the hip on this one using scrap wood, freehanded most stuff and did not measure and use marking tools for hardly anything... I just poked a hole where eyeballs said it looked right, quite a different tack from my usual careful design.
One inch standoffs and a half inch recess in the base, I can put a router with a 2 inch long and 2 inch diameter bit in it... not necessarily both at the same time, either long or wide - you'd be kinda nuts to put a 2 inch diameter and 2 inch long bit in a handheld router.
Anyway fits OK, didn't get to use it yet since I finished the second dovetail planter box this afternoon.
One inch standoffs were a waste of time... should have just cut two strips of wood one inch wide and glued those in there. Looks cute, though.
I have a wild hair to use a small radius roundover bit on the inside of that curve....
Anybody see the piece of scrap wood that is the cutoff from the top piece of dog-ear picket fence board?