Always curious about time keeping, clocks and... SUNDIALS
Quick research on the internet says the gnomon has to be at an angle same as your latitude... mine is 29.76°
cut a guide alignment block at a hair less than 30°. Using a 4" nail as the gnomon.
My other choice was drilling a hole at almost 30° using the drill press and a angle drilling jig of some sort with a 1/8" or 3/16" dowel as a gnomon.

30 minute project later...

So the next instruction is to point the gnomon at the north (solar) pole.
darn. Overcast.
Needs new batteries, I guess.
The long term problem is the 5, large 33-year old live oak trees. Not too many continuously sunny spots left on my property.
Quick research on the internet says the gnomon has to be at an angle same as your latitude... mine is 29.76°
cut a guide alignment block at a hair less than 30°. Using a 4" nail as the gnomon.
My other choice was drilling a hole at almost 30° using the drill press and a angle drilling jig of some sort with a 1/8" or 3/16" dowel as a gnomon.
30 minute project later...
So the next instruction is to point the gnomon at the north (solar) pole.
darn. Overcast.
Needs new batteries, I guess.
The long term problem is the 5, large 33-year old live oak trees. Not too many continuously sunny spots left on my property.