I was instructed by LOML to build a shed for her gardening stuff. We negotiated and decided on 8x12 so we can store the snowblower and lawnmower in it in the off seasons.
Progress Saturday morning my son on law and I got the base set, leveled and anchored.
Set squared and anchored.
Shed Anchors
Ready to build,
Waiting on the materials delivery, we then helped the neighbor dig up sod for a play set load it into the truck and take it to the disposal site. Materials didn't show up until 3:30 so we all went to the fair in our home town and ate deep fried crap and hung out with relatives.
Everything to this point was nailed by hand since I didn't have any galvanized framing nails for the nailer and didn't want to spend $100+ for a case when I only needed 1 or two coils.
I'm in the red shirt, cousin Eddie up from Iowa, and my son in law in the background
Here is where we ended up sunday night.
I'll get it finished up this week and turn it over to my wife for painting.
Progress Saturday morning my son on law and I got the base set, leveled and anchored.
Set squared and anchored.
Shed Anchors
Ready to build,
Waiting on the materials delivery, we then helped the neighbor dig up sod for a play set load it into the truck and take it to the disposal site. Materials didn't show up until 3:30 so we all went to the fair in our home town and ate deep fried crap and hung out with relatives.
Everything to this point was nailed by hand since I didn't have any galvanized framing nails for the nailer and didn't want to spend $100+ for a case when I only needed 1 or two coils.
I'm in the red shirt, cousin Eddie up from Iowa, and my son in law in the background
Here is where we ended up sunday night.
I'll get it finished up this week and turn it over to my wife for painting.