Shed Build

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  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
    • Dec 2002
    • 2988
    • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
    • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

    Shed Build

    I was instructed by LOML to build a shed for her gardening stuff. We negotiated and decided on 8x12 so we can store the snowblower and lawnmower in it in the off seasons.

    Progress Saturday morning my son on law and I got the base set, leveled and anchored.

    Set squared and anchored.

    Shed foundation set

    Shed Anchors
    Shed Anchors

    Ready to build,
    Shed foundation ready for the shed.
    Waiting on the materials delivery, we then helped the neighbor dig up sod for a play set load it into the truck and take it to the disposal site. Materials didn't show up until 3:30 so we all went to the fair in our home town and ate deep fried crap and hung out with relatives.

    Everything to this point was nailed by hand since I didn't have any galvanized framing nails for the nailer and didn't want to spend $100+ for a case when I only needed 1 or two coils.

    I'm in the red shirt, cousin Eddie up from Iowa, and my son in law in the background

    Hand nailing the shed floor

    Here is where we ended up sunday night.

    shed build day 1

    I'll get it finished up this week and turn it over to my wife for painting.
    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.
  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
    • Dec 2002
    • 2988
    • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
    • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

    It was too hot to do much work on the shed on Monday and I was forbidden from working on it on the 4th. The shed was ready for paint and shingles by Thursday evening, so we got it mostly painted on Friday, shingled on Saturday morning and then I finished up the windows and doors Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Touched up the paint and snapped a photo and you can still see a couple of spots where the paint is wet.

    Click image for larger version

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    And now the shed is finished ... as a shed. Next step is to put windows on either side of the door which will open to little free libraries.

    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.


    • LCHIEN
      LCHIEN commented
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  • capncarl
    Veteran Member
    • Jan 2007
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    • Leesburg Georgia USA
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    Are your doors snow tite?


    • twistsol
      twistsol commented
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      There is weather stripping between the doors but it uses brushes on the the sides and bottoms of the doors. Should be mostly weather tight, but I'm sure a little snow will get in. It is positioned so the weather will come predominantly from the back/left side and will rarely hit the front straight on.
  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
    • Dec 2002
    • 2988
    • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
    • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

    I finished up the shed a couple of weeks ago by adding in the little library windows. It ha had a lot of activity and we've met a number of neighbors because of it.

    Here are the bookshelves themselves under construction. The gaps at the top and bottom in the back are intentional for ventilation.

    Little Library Bookshelves in the shop glued and clamped. 1

    Little Library Bookshelves in the shop glued and clamped. 1

    Library doors are cedar assmbled with dominos. I applied the same OSB siding to the front of them and then glazed in plexiglass windows.

    Little Library Bookshelves in the shop glued and clamped. 1

    Finally her​e is the finished product

    Little Library Shed

    Loaded with books.
    Little Library windows in shed

    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.


    • dbhost
      Slow and steady
      • Apr 2008
      • 9348
      • League City, Texas
      • Ryobi BT3100

      That is some awfully nice work there on that shed... I have heard of those little library things, but never seen one in person... Pretty cool.
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      • Black walnut
        • Aug 2015
        • 5480
        • BT3K

        Those little libraries are quite common around here. One of my Mom's neighbors has one as well in Spokane. I've not seen one built into a shed though. Great idea.

        Nice looking shed too. Interesting to see OSB used as an architectural element, nice use of a non-traditional material.
        just another brick in the wall...

        Boycott McAfee. They placed an unresponsive popup on my pc.


        • dbhost

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          Just FWIW, My shed that I had built last spring uses T1-11 OSB siding. It is pretty common around here. There was a GOOD reason I was in a hurry to get paint on that thing. The ramp deck was made of the same material, It's fine for siding, not so great for a shed ramp... I will lay down some marine grade 3/4 ply with a generous amount of paint as a replacement soon...

        • capncarl
          capncarl commented
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          We had started our house build when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Overnight there was no plywood, Sheetrock or roofing shingles available. For some reason there was not a shortage of OSB. The house and my shop was sheathed in 10’ and 12’ x 4’ OSB. I didn’t like it but we were too far along to wait who knows how long for plywood. I insisted that every stud, sill and any piece of wood the OSB was nailed to have a generous continuous bead of Liquid Nails. The carpenters ( the ones that hadn’t already left to work in New Orleans ) complained but used a pickup truck full of Liquid Nails. I finished the inside of my shop with 10’ panels of OSB. It really finishes out nicely for a shop. I also used Liquid Nails on every board the OSB attach to. It should stiffen up a structure.
      • jabe
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2006
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        • Hilo, Hawaii
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        Nice shed!!! In Hawaii we would never build our base /floor framing on the ground/gravel. The moisture from the ground and termites would rot or eat the wood even if it's treated for ground use. We always build on a concrete slab or post & pier. Ground termites are a big problem here. My town (Hilo) averages 100" of rain per year therefore no wood on ground construction done here.


        • twistsol
          twistsol commented
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          The farmhouse I grew up in had a wooden foundation, white oak treated with creosote. Southern Minnesota is basically all sand so no water issues, and while there are termites here, it is rare for them to get established in a building. I've heard of carpenter ants being a problem, but even that is rare.