3100 Router Fence

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  • poolhound
    Veteran Member
    • Mar 2006
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    • BT3100

    3100 Router Fence

    I know there must be some ideas out there on the best way to adapt the rip dence into a Router fence for the assesory table. I have searched through various threads but no clear winners found yet.

    Anybody point me at the right thread or offer advice or even plans as to how they have created a fence for the bt3100 router table.


    Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

    We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them
  • gmack5
    Veteran Member
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    Did you look in the "Articles" section?

    I believe there's a Router Fence in there, just not sure if it uses the Rip Fence or not.

    You really don't want to tie up your Rip Fence anyway, you might need to make a cut, then you'd lose your settings.
    Stop thinking why you can't and Start thinking how you CAN!
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    • wreckwriter
      Established Member
      • Mar 2006
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      I'm looking at getting a second fence so I can leave the router stuff on one and still have one quickly available.


      • jnesmith
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2003
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        Originally posted by wreckwriter
        I'm looking at getting a second fence so I can leave the router stuff on one and still have one quickly available.

        That's exactly what I did. My router fence stays permanantly attached to my spare rip fence. Makes change outs a snap.


        • poolhound
          Veteran Member
          • Mar 2006
          • 3195
          • Phoenix, AZ
          • BT3100

          anybody got a spare rip fence?

          Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

          We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them


          • vaking
            Veteran Member
            • Apr 2005
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            • Ryobi BT3100-1

            The fence attachement that comes with Ryobi router kit does not make a high quality fence. You will be better off buying or making your own. I bought a craftsman pro fence when it was on clearance recently and mounted it on the ryobi rails. Works for me.
            Alex V


            • Sam Salter
              Forum Newbie
              • Jul 2004
              • 29
              • Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

              I've posted this before, but it's a great improvement over the Ryobi fence in the accessory kit!

              2 adjustable fences, laminate covered, "T" track for attachments.

              Clamps to rip fence, uses same 2 1/2" DC hose & attachment as saw.

              It's from "Wood" magazine & fairly easy to make.

              sam :-)
              Attached Files
              sam :-)
              (I\'d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!)


              • poolhound
                Veteran Member
                • Mar 2006
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                • BT3100

                I looked at the Ryobi accessory fence and agree its not very good at all. I made a version of Jim Frye's today and it looks like it will function but its rather bulky.

                What was the deal at Sears on the fence you got?

                Is it still on clearance?


                Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

                We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them


                • poolhound
                  Veteran Member
                  • Mar 2006
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                  WOW that is a serious fence!!! will you make me one??

                  Seriously do you have a link to the plans?


                  Phoenix AZ - It's a dry heat

                  We all make mistakes and I should know I've made enough of them


                  • gjbivin
                    Established Member
                    • Jan 2005
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                    So far, I've gotten by with just clamping a sacrificial plywood fence onto the side of the rip fence, when I need to "bury" the bit into it. You have to make sure that the sacrificial fence is thick enough for the bit to clear the body of the rip fence proper, though (DAMHIKT ). The Router Workshop guys get by with just a simple straight piece of wood clamped onto the router table for a fence, and 99% of the time, it's good enough.
                    Gary J. Bivin
                    Gilbert, AZ


                    • vaking
                      Veteran Member
                      • Apr 2005
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                      • Montclair, NJ, USA.
                      • Ryobi BT3100-1

                      Check this thread:
                      It contains pictures of good fence that Larry made and which can also be adapted to work with mounting to rails on BT3. There are also pictures of my Craftsman aluminum fence. That fence was cleared out of Sears at about $25 recently. Is it still on clearance - depends on your local Sears. The craftsman fence comes with mounting for craftsman router tables. I made my own brackets to work with rails on bt3
                      Alex V


                      • mdutch
                        Established Member
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 140
                        • Dallas, TX, USA.

                        Originally posted by poolhound
                        WOW that is a serious fence!!! will you make me one??
                        Seriously do you have a link to the plans?
                        I've looked at a lot of fences, and decided on that fence when it came out in their mag a couple months ago. I am starting the build on it this week.

                        Here's a link to the plans. http://store.woodstore.net/rofe.html

                        Dutch·man Pronunciation (dchmn)n.
                        3. Something used to conceal faulty construction.
                        Another DFW BT3'er!

