So after finding the Ulcerative Colitis presenting with considerable amounts of blood, I got shoved off to an Oncologist fast. We went through bone scans, blood work, CT scans. Well the blood work was fine, but the scans showed some abnormalities on my spine and pelvis. The location of the abnormalities would have required fairly major surgery just to get a biopsy, and risk of damage to the spinal colum was fairly high and I prefer to be able to actually walk...
So more testing happened, colonoscopy to insure no colon cancer, nope just IBD / Ulcerative Colitis (hence the blood) so no primary cancer, the bone presentation if cancerous would have been metastatic so a primary cancer would be needed for that to happen, none found, no traces in the blood work.
So treat the UC, which is going well, other than I saw what insurance is paying for the infusions and wow... but I digress. Monitor for any growth / changes, and some deeper blood work. No changes found now monitoring for just at 1 year of 3 month, and then 6 month checks.
Got the results back from all of the tests and we now have cancer ruled out 100%. The spots of abnormality are where I was injured 23 years ago in a car crash. Apparently the bones never healed right. Not going to go into the whole medical mumbo jumbo, but basically a chronic and hereditary bone disorder that effects how the body replaces bone cells, and it is not active now, nor does it look like it has been active for at least a decade.
So recommendations from Dr.? Continue with UC treatment, yeah I got that. Supplement with Calcium and D3, and monitor annually in case the bone disorder does come back into effect as it can give me some brittle bones and arthritis... Not likely to happen any time soon, but something to watch for is all, so at my annual physical just more stuff to do...
So boiled down to soup and nuts.
No cancer, and the issue found is a non issue issue. Just something to watch out for and keep noted to keep from freaking the next doctors out...
So back to working on the shop and the camper. A new post will be coming on that shortly.
So more testing happened, colonoscopy to insure no colon cancer, nope just IBD / Ulcerative Colitis (hence the blood) so no primary cancer, the bone presentation if cancerous would have been metastatic so a primary cancer would be needed for that to happen, none found, no traces in the blood work.
So treat the UC, which is going well, other than I saw what insurance is paying for the infusions and wow... but I digress. Monitor for any growth / changes, and some deeper blood work. No changes found now monitoring for just at 1 year of 3 month, and then 6 month checks.
Got the results back from all of the tests and we now have cancer ruled out 100%. The spots of abnormality are where I was injured 23 years ago in a car crash. Apparently the bones never healed right. Not going to go into the whole medical mumbo jumbo, but basically a chronic and hereditary bone disorder that effects how the body replaces bone cells, and it is not active now, nor does it look like it has been active for at least a decade.
So recommendations from Dr.? Continue with UC treatment, yeah I got that. Supplement with Calcium and D3, and monitor annually in case the bone disorder does come back into effect as it can give me some brittle bones and arthritis... Not likely to happen any time soon, but something to watch for is all, so at my annual physical just more stuff to do...
So boiled down to soup and nuts.
No cancer, and the issue found is a non issue issue. Just something to watch out for and keep noted to keep from freaking the next doctors out...
So back to working on the shop and the camper. A new post will be coming on that shortly.