So I have been doing some online searches for beanies with bluetooth headsets built in. Apparently that triggered some algorithm on Facebook to start throwing me ads for beanies, all sorts of beanies, including EMF / RF blocking beanies!
So it is now official, you no longer need to make your own hat out of tin foil to keep the CIA from sending you messages from those spy satelites. (Yes someone told me that is why they were wearing a tin foil hat ones, why on earth did I ask?)
I guess it is only a matter of time before someone develops and brings to market a tin foil, pyramid power, crystal infused hat...
So it is now official, you no longer need to make your own hat out of tin foil to keep the CIA from sending you messages from those spy satelites. (Yes someone told me that is why they were wearing a tin foil hat ones, why on earth did I ask?)
I guess it is only a matter of time before someone develops and brings to market a tin foil, pyramid power, crystal infused hat...