This Dr. visit didn't go as expected

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  • leehljp
    The Full Monte
    • Dec 2002
    • 8552
    • Tunica, MS
    • BT3000/3100

    This Dr. visit didn't go as expected

    I said to my wife last summer that that year (2023) has been the hardest on me physically as I just did not have the energy I used to have. And I take my vitamins and Boost drinks regularly. My heart doctor gave me 40mg of atorvastatin in November 2022. My wife was taking 10mg. Her cholesterol was higher than mine. I didn't know we were taking different levels til last summer. My physical in Sept revealed I had a cholesterol average level of 120, down from 190-200 for the last 15 years.

    Did some research and said Atorvastatin in high doses could cause low energy. WENT to heart doctor to lower my prescription. He did - to 20 mg, but he wanted to check on my low energy levels as having another cause. I had a CT scan (heart) in Nov. that revealed one artery that had a 70% blockage.

    We SCHEDULED a heart cath for Jan 10 with possibility of a stint. I fell asleep during the cath even though everyone said no one hardly goes to sleep during a cath.

    When I woke up - It didn't go as planned. I have 4 vessels with 99% blockage, and another spot with similar blockage. Will have heart bypass Friday afternoon, 12th.

    I told the doctor that I didn't feel THAT bad for having that much blockage. He said: "Occasionally some vessels route more blood through other vessels and keep the heart going." I'm not sure how true that is as sometimes we get told what we want to hear.

    I came to the hospital expecting go to home the same night. Now it will be a good 8 to 10 days in the hospital (been here two of those already). I am not worried about it or anxious either - except for the 4 to 5 weeks of not being active the way I like. I had three trips planned that I had to cancel - Atlanta, Jackson, MS and Springfield, MO. I did tell the doctor that I wanted to inspect his saw blades to see how sharp they were. I offered to sharpen them to a razor sharpness. He laughed and declined!
    Hank Lee

    Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!
  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
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    Good luck to you and I'll be praying for your speedy recovery.
    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.


    • LCHIEN
      Super Moderator
      • Dec 2002
      • 21459
      • Katy, TX, USA.
      • BT3000 vintage 1999

      I hope everything goes well and you are back on your feet quickly. People say they feel much better after the procedure. My dad had a triple bypass and he lived another 30 years until he was 93.

      I had a scare recently... saw the cardiologist and he suggested running a cardiac calcium scan as a good indicator of arterial deposits/
      So I did it even though not covered by insurance. My wife had a calcium score of zero which is great. The nurse told me I had a score of 3900 and I needed to take a nuclear stress test right away... Looking it up on the internet some sites said 400 was concerningly high score. Figured I was gonna die. I went for the test but they forgot to tell me not to eat certain stuff so I had to reschedule and wait another week in suspense.
      The doctor told me the nurse was wrong and my score was REALLY only 2900. But that there was no blockages and my arteries were functioning normally. Whew. He said sometimes the calcium score was high for no good reasons... false alarm.
      Last edited by LCHIEN; 01-12-2024, 12:12 PM.
      Loring in Katy, TX USA
      If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
      BT3 FAQ -


      • Jim Frye
        Veteran Member
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        Best wishes to you and your recovery. Will be thinking of you.
        Jim Frye
        The Nut in the Cellar.
        ”Sawdust Is Man Glitter”


        • cwsmith
          Veteran Member
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          I hope everything went well for you today and that you are now enjoying a bit of rest before you're back up to your old self again. Looking forward to your next post and will speak of you in my prayers tonight.

          Wishing you the very best Hank,

          Last edited by cwsmith; 01-13-2024, 12:47 PM.
          Think it Through Before You Do!


          • dbhost
            Slow and steady
            • Apr 2008
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            Praying for a full and speedy recovery.
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            • Pappy
              The Full Monte
              • Dec 2002
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              Relax, enjoy being pampered for a few weeks. Curiosity, what was your dosage of Atorvastatin? I've been on 40mg for about 3 years and don't have near the energy I used to have. I'll be 75 in a few weeks so I just attributed it to that.
              Don, aka Pappy,

              Wise men talk because they have something to say,
              Fools because they have to say something.


              • cwsmith
                cwsmith commented
                Editing a comment
                Hi Pappy,

                You inquired about Atorvastantin dosage. I take 10 mg a day and have done so for at least ten years, having been diagnosed with high triglycerides (up in the low 400 range the last test this past November). Its been on the rise the last three years. So the Doc and I had a bit of a discussion and I guess I eat too many fatty potato chips and some fatty foods. Well, I cut the chips out immediately (that was hard), though I was only eating them on weekends (old movie watcher). I also cut out most of the fatty foods too; and, my son recommended fish oil tablets, so I recently started taking 3 mg a day. My weight dropped 8 lbs in the last three months, down to 169 lbs (I'm 5, 11). I'm Type 2 diabetic (Metormine tablets only). I do a lot of walking every day, don't drink and have never smoked. I've had two bouts of cancer, both requiring surgery, but I'm good now (as far as I know). This past May I had a treadmill stress test and did well the Doc said. (I wasn't so sure at the time, I haven't run in probably 15 years.)

                Well I still take care of the neighbor's sidewalk and lawn, all of my own stuff, and we're out to the stores every day. I do get tired of course; I will be 80 this coming July!

                My Dad passed when he was 79, worked in the trades way too much and smoked hard. No drinking though. Last year I lost a cousin, he was only 79 also. While I get the feeling I'm on borrowed time, I do have an Uncle who is 103.

                So, just take care, visit a Doctor regularly so you really know how you're doing, and don't hesitate to take measures as recommended.

            • leehljp
              The Full Monte
              • Dec 2002
              • 8552
              • Tunica, MS
              • BT3000/3100

              Well 30 hours after and it hurts like xxxx. My health before the surgery has played a part in the recovery plan. Everyone is amazed that although it hurts, I can stand and walk so quickly - there has been discussions of leaving a couple of days earlier than originally planned.

              Will report more as it comes about.
              Hank Lee

              Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


              • LCHIEN
                Super Moderator
                • Dec 2002
                • 21459
                • Katy, TX, USA.
                • BT3000 vintage 1999

                Hang in there!
                Loring in Katy, TX USA
                If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
                BT3 FAQ -


                • cwsmith
                  Veteran Member
                  • Dec 2005
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                  So very glad to hear from you! Just take it easy and please don't overdue until your doctor gives you the 'all clear'.

                  Think it Through Before You Do!


                  • leehljp
                    The Full Monte
                    • Dec 2002
                    • 8552
                    • Tunica, MS
                    • BT3000/3100

                    My doctor came by and said "the widow maker was totally occluded" (stopped up). Could not get a line through it. God was with you!" Dr. Garrott is turning in the orders for a step-down. If they have a room tonight, I will go then, if not then tomorrow or when they get a room.

                    I never was short of breath when I was helping build churches or helping other people with their work. Doc said "not everyone gets that warning. You didn't."

                    BTW, now have 4+ inches of Yankee snow (I love it) down here and I can't look at it till in the morning.

                    Hank Lee

                    Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


                    • cwsmith
                      Veteran Member
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 2762
                      • NY Southern Tier, USA.
                      • BT3100-1

                      May God continue to watch over you Hank. I'll keep you in my prayers for the best possible success!

                      Think it Through Before You Do!


                      • LCHIEN
                        Super Moderator
                        • Dec 2002
                        • 21459
                        • Katy, TX, USA.
                        • BT3000 vintage 1999

                        "step-down" meaning moving from ICU to regular hospital room?

                        triple bypass? Quad?

                        Be thankful you are inside its cold out. Maybe they'll bring you the blankets from the blanket warmer... very comfy.

                        Glad you are making progress.
                        Loring in Katy, TX USA
                        If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to treat all problems as if they were nails.
                        BT3 FAQ -


                        • leehljp
                          leehljp commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Here in the cardiac section, there is a division between CVICU and regular hospital care. The CV (CardioVascular) ICU has 2 people assigned to each patient until they step down to ICU. Each "nurse" is assigned 1 specific patient, but also assigned as an assistant to the the next nurse. I had one primary nurse each 12 hour shift, and 1 backup nurse (who was primary for another patient.) CVICU is usually 2 to 4 days max.
                          Bypass: Triple bypass. I never had a left arm pain or shortness of breath; only that I felt out of energy at times.
                          Last edited by leehljp; 01-15-2024, 10:04 PM.
                      • Fres1942
                        Handtools only
                        • Jan 2024
                        • 1

                        It's true that collateral circulation, where other vessels compensate for blockages, can exist. However, the extent of your blockages (particularly multiple at 99%) suggests they were likely significantly impacting your health, even if you weren't feeling severely unwell.


                        • leehljp
                          leehljp commented
                          Editing a comment
                          I missed this the first time through. - For me, I felt like I was just running out of energy; I didn't think of it as out of breath, which in looking back on it - some of it was. My blood pressure during physical therapy activity is now running 90-95 over 60 to 55. Before this event, my blood pressure was 120-130 over 80. 90-95 over 60 is what I used to have when I was in my 30s and early 40's.
                      • jabe
                        Senior Member
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                        Take care Hank! Hope you have a Speedy recovery.


                        • leehljp
                          leehljp commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Recovery is coming along. I just finished my 2nd week of 12 weeks of rehab - 3 days a week, 1 hour each day of physical workout which isn't too strenuous, plus 1 hour each day of diet, menu, psychology etc. I do feel somewhat better.