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  • twistsol
    SawdustZone Patron
    • Dec 2002
    • 2988
    • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
    • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

    Thanksgiving morning I ran a 5k before heading to my sister's house in the deep south of Minnesota. Just after I'd finished the 5k, my 8 year old neighbor came up to me and said, "Wow, Chris, I didn't know you could run. Aren't you like 68?" She and her older sisters are avid bakers and I'm often the taste tester or recipient of their efforts so I laughed it off. I guess when you're 8, everyone is just plain old.

    For the record I'll be 58 in a few days.

    An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
    A moral man does it.


    • capncarl
      capncarl commented
      Editing a comment
      Deep South of Minnesota? I bet it was warm and balmy there for your 5k. Did you have to wear running show shoes?

    • twistsol
      twistsol commented
      Editing a comment
      It was a beautiful 28 degrees, We've only had one small snow this year which has mostly melted, 3-5 inches are forecast for tomorrow so it may need some shoveling if it actually materializes.
  • capncarl
    Veteran Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 3619
    • Leesburg Georgia USA
    • SawStop CTS

    I’ve had my shoulder to the proverbial grind stone trying to get finished with a batch of Tiny Tables for the gallery in Appalachicola Fla. Today I hope to finish up 4 pine tables before I start on a couple of ambrosia maple and cypress tables. The antique pine I am working with came from an old peanut warehouse….. and was to my surprise when I got it home full of broken off and rusted off nails. I’m having to be extremely picky and careful to get pieces without nails to run through the SawStop and planer.


    • Stan
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2004
      • 966
      • Kalispell, MT, USA.
      • BT3100, Delta 36-717

      Took care of some things around the property today. Shuffled vehicles and equipment around so things are sort of stored for the winter.
      Got the 60" wide snowblower attached to the tractor, ready for full-on winter now.
      From the NW corner of Montana.


      • twistsol
        SawdustZone Patron
        • Dec 2002
        • 2988
        • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
        • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

        I have grandpa duty today in Sioux Falls. Daughter is coaching dance and son in law is coaching wrestling. I left home yesterday at 5:30 pm and it was 45 degrees. An hour into the drive it was 25 degrees snowing, the wind kicked up and speed went from a normal 70 to 30 or completely stopped when the road or front of the truck disappeared because of the blowing snow. The last hour of the drive was completely clear. A four hour drive became six and a half. It was 5 degrees when I finally got to SF.

        Breakfast with the niece from Virginia and nephew from Alaska is on the schedule for tomorrow morning then hopefully an uneventful drive home.
        An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
        A moral man does it.


        • Stan
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2004
          • 966
          • Kalispell, MT, USA.
          • BT3100, Delta 36-717

          Good thing the snowblower was attached to the tractor the other day. Had to use it twice in the last 24 hours due to the amount of snowfall.
          From the NW corner of Montana.


          • twistsol
            SawdustZone Patron
            • Dec 2002
            • 2988
            • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
            • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

            Today I managed to get the reclaimed barnwood installed on the backside of the bookcase wall to my office. Started about 9:00 this morning and finished up at around 5:30

            This first picture is about 2:30 today when I thought we were close to being finished. If course the last few boards took the longest. Since the edges of the boards are a bit random and there are nail and knot holes in the boards, I put up 1/2 plywood first painted flat black.
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            Here it is all done and now I can determine the exact size for the end panels going into the office.

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            An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
            A moral man does it.


            • jdschulteis
              Established Member
              • Mar 2003
              • 139
              • Muskego, Wisconsin, USA.
              • Ryobi BT3100

              Today, I had a sawyer come to slice up two 5-ish foot long, 24-ish inch diameter ash logs. The tree was felled after being struck by lightning.
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              Got some 12/4 slabs, I'm hoping to get some baseball bat blanks. (Ash, once the preferred bat wood although it's been displaced by maple; struck by lightning--if you've seen the movie "The Natural", you probably understand.)
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              Also got some sawn to 6/4, it has some beautiful dark streaks in it.
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              • capncarl
                Veteran Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 3619
                • Leesburg Georgia USA
                • SawStop CTS

                We are in the process of replacing the house 17 year old heat pump, and the unit I decided on arrived last week. The installation crew arrived this morning with the new unit and air handler on the trailer and started unhooking and dismantling my ahu. A couple of the crew were unloading and unboxing the 2 machines. All work came to a screeching halt when the cardboard box was removed from the condenser unit and shipping damage was discovered in the coils. At least none of the Freon tubing had been cut so everything was hooked back up until a replacement condenser unit is located and delivered.


                • dbhost
                  Slow and steady
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 9348
                  • League City, Texas
                  • Ryobi BT3100

                  Spending far too much time chasing my mechanic down trying to get the truck refurb done. It was ready for delivery, and then blew a caliper, so I had him replace all 4 and the soft lines just to be safe... That was over 3 weeks ago. This guy is SLOW....

                  Mostly dragging my butt until the truck is back in my hands. Will be making a quick and dirty electrical compartment for the 2 200 amp hour Lifepo4 batteries, charge controller, and inverter... (yay?).

                  I had to "work" today which is a pretty loose word. Not a darnged thing going on. I have questions for people to approve expenditures for some fixes and they are out of pocket until late next week... So today is a log in, jiggle the mouse kind of day.
                  Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                  • mpc
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2005
                    • 992
                    • Cypress, CA, USA.
                    • BT3000 orig 13amp model

                    My Rikon bandsaw fence only works on the left half of the table. When the table is tilted 45 degrees, so I can slice off corners of a long stick to make an octagonal cross section blank for the lathe, the fence is on the "uphill" side of the table. It's basically useless. There are mounting bolt holes that would allow me to move the whole fence assembly to the right half of the table... not a trivial task. And then I'd have to re-mount the fence on the left/normal side of the table and re-align it once I was done making lathe blanks. Not worth it. In the past I've simply clamped a board to the right side of the table as a temporary fence. But making fine adjustments in its position - and keeping it parallel to the blade - was a nuisance. Rikon has an upgraded fence package that extends across the entire table; that fence is included on their latest iterations of the 14 inch bandsaws. The "upgrade kit" for my bandsaw costs a not insignificant amount. Ergo my solution from scrap materials: a flat panel with a new "fence board" along one edge, a locating fence along the bottom/front that registers against the bandsaw table (which makes the "fence board" automatically parallel to the blade), and an adjustable bar that fits into the bandsaw table miter slot to attach the fixture to my bandsaw:

                    Click image for larger version

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                    View from the top and looking at the "fence face." (click it for a larger view) The board on the far right, reaching down from the main flat panel, is what registers against the bandsaw table edge. Two T-bolts through a miter slot bar make the whole gizmo adjustable.

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ID:	853400

                    What it looks like in use. I held the camera parallel to the bandsaw table (stupidly) which made the view look confusing. Rotating the picture -45 degrees, so the blade guard assembly is vertical (as it should be!) gives the picture goofy borders while correcting the table orientation in the picture. A small walnut stick is being octagon-ified in this picture. I may need to make a taller fence face for larger lathe blanks. The stock Rikon fence is visible at the top of the picture.

                    Nothing fancy... just something to solve a need in my shop. The miter slot bar is hard maple as is the piece that registers against the table edge. The flat panel and the fence stick are MDF scraps I had. Normally I use Baltic Birch plywood for shop items but a) I didn't have 1/4 inch B-B scraps big enough and b) making the slots on the router table is easier/cleaner in MDF compared to B-B. Using MDF made me think of the late Rod Kirby so I took a little extra time to round the back corners, round the edges, etc. and make the fixture as nice as I could. It's got a few coats of polyurethane to make it durable, sanded with 0000 steel wool to make it smooth and nice to touch The heads of the T-bolts are press-fits in mating mortises in the miter slot bar; they won't fall out even if the bar is knocked about a bit.



                    • dbhost
                      Slow and steady
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 9348
                      • League City, Texas
                      • Ryobi BT3100

                      So, my engine swap at the mechanic is NOT going as advertised. I have been chasing loose ends, trying to verify IF the crate motor was actually ordered and if so where TF is it actually at and why is my blown engine STILL in my truck almost 4 months after we ordered (and paid for) the engine. Angry does not begin to describe it. I farmed the work out to this guy / shop because he was a high school friend of one of my best friends and was trying to support his business. This sh*$ stopped being funny though.

                      Shop wise, the Chicago Electric slider is out the door, and I just discovered a giant box of 2 to 3 inch 2x stock cutoffs I don't want to do anything with. So that big box is getting chucked into a plastic tote for firewood for the campfire....

                      The cast iron table from the old drill press, being the round one, apparently the holes where I can bolt the woodworking table down aren't even in the same zip code as the table on the benchtop unit. I got some 5/16 thread inserts and need to partially take the benchtop DP apart to get anchor points marked, drilled and installed.

                      My shop is an unbelievable disaster, but becoming less of a disaster day by day so I guess that is goood...
                      Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                      • dbhost
                        Slow and steady
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 9348
                        • League City, Texas
                        • Ryobi BT3100

                        On the plus side. Wahuda still had their Christmas sale going on. $699.00 + free shipping to the lower 48 for their 10" cast iron spiral cutterhead jointer. I couldn't turn it down. Do need to get replacement cutters to have in stock. The old Sunhill is getting retired. Finding knives is a pain in the butt...
                        Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                        • dbhost
                          Slow and steady
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 9348
                          • League City, Texas
                          • Ryobi BT3100

                          Went into work had an actually fairly busy day for being this early into the job. Came home got some inpermission from the friend that hooks me up with the mechanic that has gone flaky yummy and hes more or less driving to get this done. We'll see. Came home did some digging in the shop for one of our members who were sneeding something that I thought I had and unfortunately I either didn't save the part they needed or I sold it already I don't know but it's not in the Box I thought it was in sorry

                          Check my email and apparently wahoota ships very fast and my new jointer should be here on Thursday which is well before I'm ready for it.
                          Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                          • capncarl
                            capncarl commented
                            Editing a comment
                            It looks like the Wanda uses 15x15x2.5 MM cutter inserts, same as the Byrd Shelix for the Dewalt 735 planer. Don’t think I’d be in a rush to stock up on these inserts. Maybe 5 or 6 in awe you find a couple of nails.
                        • dbhost
                          Slow and steady
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 9348
                          • League City, Texas
                          • Ryobi BT3100

                          I heard the chime from my Ring camera, looked on the front porch and found this funny looking box...

                          Yes, I am very leery of knife availability with my Sunhill, so I took the opportunity, and an end of year sale from Wahuda to get a 10" benchtop jointer. I could be 100% wrong on this, but the demos and reviews show with the extensions this thing can handle pretty much what most floor model jointers can, at a fraction of the shop space!
                          Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please check out and subscribe to my Workshop Blog.


                          • twistsol
                            SawdustZone Patron
                            • Dec 2002
                            • 2988
                            • Cottage Grove, MN, USA.
                            • Ridgid R4512, 2x ShopSmith Mark V 520, 1951 Shopsmith 10ER

                            I'm not sure exactly what she is doing with them, some craft for a baby shower, but my wife requested I drill through about 50 scrabble tiles. On 7 of the tiles, the 1/8" bit wandered off the line and came out the front or back of the tile so I had to redo those. One tile got sucked up into the dust collector.

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ID:	853498

                            I then planed down about 60 board feet of poplar to 15mm or a little less than 19/32 inch to build 8 more drawers for my office.
                            An ethical man knows the right thing to do.
                            A moral man does it.

