The post I did not want to make

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  • Sam Conder
    Woodworker Once More
    • Dec 2002
    • 2502
    • Midway, KY
    • Delta 36-725T2

    The post I did not want to make


    I received an e-mail this evening from the company that hosts our web server. They informed me that during their attempt to revive our server, they mistakenly formated our secondary hard drive that contained all of our uploaded images. There was no conceivable reason why they would have done that, but they did. All of the images were lost.

    However, this disaster lies heavily on me as well, as I have neglected to add the images directory to my backup routine and I have absolutley no backup whatsoever of the lost images. They are gone forever.

    To make amends, the hosting company has made us the following offer:

    One month free hosting and six months free automated tape backup. After the six months, the tape backup service will cost us $80 per month.

    Lets open the discussion on this and see how everyone feels about the offer. The automated tape backup would be nice in that it would not rely on backing up to my computer at home and would be more reliable, but bear in mind that after six months I would have to pass the hat again for more money to cover this previously unbudgeted expense.
    Sam Conder
    BT3Central's First Member

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas A. Edison
  • Brian G
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2003
    • 993
    • Bloomington, Minnesota.
    • G0899

    Whew! I was worried it was sumthin' like you were shutting down.

    So we lost pictures. . . .up they go again.

    I'm not bright enough to understand the rest. I'll donate more $ if that's what it takes.


    • Sam Conder
      Woodworker Once More
      • Dec 2002
      • 2502
      • Midway, KY
      • Delta 36-725T2

      Also, you are once again able to upload new pics.
      Sam Conder
      BT3Central's First Member

      "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas A. Edison


      • Ken Weaver
        Veteran Member
        • Feb 2004
        • 2417
        • Clemson, SC, USA
        • Rigid TS3650

        Sam -
        We've talked off forum about backups and what it would take for us (BT3Central) to become more independent of worry for you. On top of that I'm all for getting some of this load off you (you have to do the backups manually over the net taking up your time and additional personal time and resources). I suggest we go for their backup offer and I'll buy one month's worth after our six free months are up. Any one want to match me?
        Ken Weaver
        Clemson, SC

        "A mistake is absolute proof that someone tried to do something!


        • smc331
          Veteran Member
          • Apr 2003
          • 1016
          • Charlotte, NC, USA.
          • BT3100


          With an unemployed LOML I can't guarantee 100% match for your challenge, but I'm in! I'm good for at least $20.00 - maybe more - I can do that out of the "slush fund." Any other takers?


          /rant on

          For such an error on their part - I'd hold out for six months free hosting and a year of free backups! That's unacceptable actions on their part - yeah, you had no backup, but this was not an "act of God" - this was "operator error" on the part of their staff. They need to take responsibility for their actions and make good for site downtime and lost data. (JMNSHO)

          /rant off

          You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. -- Frank Zappa


          • Pappy
            The Full Monte
            • Dec 2002
            • 10453
            • San Marcos, TX, USA.
            • BT3000 (x2)

            Your decision, Boss. You know the folks here will back your play...
            Don, aka Pappy,

            Wise men talk because they have something to say,
            Fools because they have to say something.


            • MilDoc

              Count me in for a month, or any other way I could help...



              • Tamarack
                Established Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 199
                • Speedwell, TN USA
                • BT3100

                I'm in favor of accepting their offer, and will help with the funding. It shouldn't really be a problem; didn't we raise about $5,000 the first time with far fewer members than we now have?

                Paul in Idaho


                • rickd
                  Established Member
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 422
                  • Cowichan Bay, 30 mi. north of Victoria, B.C., Canada.
                  • Ryobi BT3100

                  no problem here, sam. you do enough already and i don't think you should have to be worried about doing backups at home.

                  no problem with losing the images - i'm sure we all have our originals to upload again if we want to. losing the pics is a lot better than losing the archived messages!

                  rick doyle

                  Rick's Woodworking Website


                  • Pop Paw
                    Established Member
                    • Apr 2003
                    • 188
                    • Lufkin, Tx, USA.

                    Sam... you guys know about the cost of these things better than me.

                    If *$960.00* a year or not including rate increases *$9,600.00 for the next ten years is money well spent...count me in plus I do need to send you my current dues anyway.

                    You can either be squirrel food or the seed of a mighty tree. - Paul Richey


                    • leehljp
                      The Full Monte
                      • Dec 2002
                      • 8553
                      • Tunica, MS
                      • BT3000/3100

                      quote:Originally posted by Knuckles

                      Whew! I was worried it was sumthin' like you were shutting down.
                      So we lost pictures. . . .up they go again.
                      I'm not bright enough to understand the rest. I'll donate more $ if that's what it takes.
                      Me too! [)] Scared for a second! Thanks Sam for all of your hard work!
                      Hank Lee

                      Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted!


                      • Mainemarc
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 673
                        • Portland, ME, USA.

                        Well I've been shooting off at the keyboard lately, so I guess it's time to put put my money where my fingers are (wrapped tightly around my wallet!). I'll commit to at least a silver patron level to support this very sensible approach to protecting our content.


                        • MikeMcCoy
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 790
                          • Moncks Corner, SC, USA.
                          • Delta Contractor Saw

                          I don't even have a BT3 but I have spent a lot of time browsing this board and soaking up the knowledge you folks make available. I didn't know that you had dues but will gladly participate. This forum is one of very few where woodworkers aren't flamed for asking a simple question.


                          • mudder
                            Veteran Member
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 1532
                            • I live in a house
                            • Delta 36-650


                            Lost pictures are just a minor annoyance.

                            I can kick in a little extra to help offset the backups if that is what you feel we need.



                            • Ken Weaver
                              Veteran Member
                              • Feb 2004
                              • 2417
                              • Clemson, SC, USA
                              • Rigid TS3650

                              quote:Originally posted by MikeMcCoy

                              I don't even have a BT3 but I have spent a lot of time browsing this board and soaking up the knowledge you folks make available. I didn't know that you had dues but will gladly participate. This forum is one of very few where woodworkers aren't flamed for asking a simple question.
                              Mike -
                              There aren't any "dues," everything here is completely voluntary, including the running of the board. Your help would be appreciated.
                              Ken Weaver
                              Clemson, SC

                              "A mistake is absolute proof that someone tried to do something!

