I like my wife's answer best so far: "I would have stopped marking them wrong when I noticed the pattern, and written 'see me' without a grade. Depending on what kind of kid you were, you might have gotten a do-over or partial credit."
I think what makes this example interesting is that I don't see it so black and white. Math is a combination of concepts and (to a much lesser extent) symbols. Of course the answers were wrong, but if the goal is to teach mathematical concepts as opposed to mathematical symbolism, then the grade misses the mark.
Say you were teaching elementary music and asked a kid, "what are the first four measures of the allegro from Eine kleine Nachtmusik" and he wrote or played all the notes correctly, except in the key of C (as opposed to G). Still an "F"?
I think what makes this example interesting is that I don't see it so black and white. Math is a combination of concepts and (to a much lesser extent) symbols. Of course the answers were wrong, but if the goal is to teach mathematical concepts as opposed to mathematical symbolism, then the grade misses the mark.
Say you were teaching elementary music and asked a kid, "what are the first four measures of the allegro from Eine kleine Nachtmusik" and he wrote or played all the notes correctly, except in the key of C (as opposed to G). Still an "F"?